Nathan&Jace bxm 🧸

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Nathan's pov.

"Come here!!" My stepdad's voice boomed in the small house, making the windows rattle. I fastly ran out of my room, finding him in the living room, a beer in hand. "Ye-yes?" A low scowl let between his lips when our eyes met for a second. "We're moving, go pack your bags" this didn't surprised me the slightest. We moved at least once a month since people in my school started noticing the marks on my body.

"Y-yes" I quickly answer, leaving the room and running in mine. He hated when I "waisted" his time.. it's not like he would just drink and fuck women in the mean time..

I grab the green duffel bag from the small closet, placing it on my bed. I begun pulling everything out of my closet, folding the clothes in the bag neatly. Once my clothes were packed I take my other belongings, putting them also in the bag. I stop in front of my night stand, looking at the picture frame. I took it in my hand, sitting down on my bed.

Unknowingly a tear dropped down, smiling painfully as I looked at her beautiful face. "I miss you mom" I whisper, wiping the tear away. I hug the frame to my chest, closing my eyes tightly.

My mom, she was the only person who loved me. Not even my biological dad did. My dad cheated on my mom after she gave birth to me. His words were "I could never love you ever again! You're fat" and with those words he left us..
Years later she met my stepdad, it was perfect for four years, but my mom got taken away from me. By my stepdad. He had been drinking and came home to my mom and me cuddling on the couch. Suddenly a fight begun, he thought my mom had cheated.. he killed her. Right in front of me when I was 9.

I shake my head, wiping the tears falling from my eyes. I kiss the photo and placing it in the bag under some clothes so it wouldn't shatter. I close the duffel bag, putting it down on the floor. My stepdad liked leaving when it was dark, that way people wouldn't see.

"Nathan!!" Once again his voice yelled, startling me. I turn the lights off, taking the bag in one hand and my phone in other. I exit the room, walking towards the front door with slow steps. He stood by the door, a annoyed expression on his face. "what took you!?" He spat, taking hold of my hair, making a Yelp leave my mouth. His lips curved up into a smirk. He loved seeing me in pain. I bit down on my tongue, trying to hold the tears from falling down my face. He yanked a bit harsher on my hair, making me stumble forward. He scoffed, harshly pushing me out of the door, releasing his grip on my hair.

"Move!" His expression went back onto it's normal state; disgust and hate towards me. I walk down the two steps, walking towards the car parked on the driveway. I open the trunk, placing my bag Inside. He walked past me, dropping his two bags by my feet and getting in the car. I put his bags in as well, closing the trunk and getting in the backseat.

It took nearly five hours to drive to the new place. Once again the new house was in the forest. We were werewolf's which was why the houses we lived in were in a forest, it made it easier to go for a run and hunt.

The car came into a stop in front of the house, he got out of the car, me following after. I took the bags from the trunk, walking inside the house. The house wasn't anything special; a little two storied cottage, a small terrance in the back, two bedrooms and etc. I place the bags down, looking at the interior of the house. Suddenly a strong, sweet smell reached my nose. Hm, the forest didn't have cherry blossom trees.. I thought to myself.

Just as I was about to go to the back terrance, my stepdad yelled. "Slut, make food!!" The yell came from upstairs. "O-okay" I answer immediately, shaking my head to get the smell away. And it did, I didn't smell the scent of cherry blossom trees anymore. I shrugged my shoulders, walking in the kitchen to prepare food.

Hour later the food was ready. I made a strew out of the elk and rabbit I hunted. I place everything on the kitchen table, making sure that it was perfect. Once I was pleased I took few deep breaths before making my way upstairs to inform that dinner was ready. With shaky hands I knock on the wooden door. "Fo-food is ready" few thuds and groans came from other side of the door, then the door opened. He looked to be really drunk. He grumbled, pushing past me and stumbled downstairs. I scrunch my nose at the smell. I hesitantly walk after him.

He was already eating, face messy with the food. I wasn't allowed to eat at the same time as he was, which was why I sat down on the chair, looking out to the forest. It was almost 5am and the sun was rising. I must've been thinking far to long when I heard a groan from the table. I turn around to see he was done eating. He stayed seated, drinking the beer can empty. He threw the can on the floor, burping.

"Where's my dessert?!" He barked, his eyes flicking towards me. My body shuddered under his eyes, looking down. "I-i didn't.. ma-make any" he low scoff left his mouth. "Then I'll have you" my face jolted up, watching him as a smirk grew on his lips. "N-no!" I squeaked. He tsked, rising up from his chair, stumbling. I did the same, standing up from my seat, taking steps back away from him.

I had the advantage that I wasn't drunk, but he was stronger.
He strides across the room towards me, I ran the opposite way around the couch. "Sto-stop!" I yell, my whole body trembling. He just laughed like a maniac. I eyed the back door then at my stepdad. If I was fast enough I could make it. And I did. I fastly ran to the glass door that lead to the Terrance and out to the forest. I leap over the railing, changing into my wolf in the air, landing on my paws once I hit the ground.

I could smell my stepdad close behind. I pushed myself more, to stay away from his grasp. I had no idea where I was anymore, but I had to run away from him. I leap over the stream, running trough the trees and jumping over few rocks and fallen tree trunks. "GET BACK HERE!!" My stepdad mind linked me. I locked him away.

Further away I saw a pond. To my luck my stepdad hated the water. If I just run faster I can-
I jumped on a tree, my paw slipping and making me fall down. I wince, something had scratched my side. I saw my stepdad's wolf further, running to my way. He was only few feet away, just about to pounce on me. A loud growl echoed around me, then a large white wold jumped from my right, baring teeth and locking them around my stepdad's neck. The two wolf's dropped down on the ground, the white - unknown- wolf on top of my stepdad, their teeth deep in my stepdad's neck. "MATE!" Alec, my wolf yelped. I sniff the air, the same scent of cherry blossom trees lingering in the air. They were at my house..

I watch as the white wolf stood tall over my stepdad. He was an Alpha! My mate was an Alpha!? I saw the glowing, dark eyes. His wolf was huge, at least twice the size of Alec.

Alec begun whining like a puppy, gaining the attention of our mate. Soon four wolf's ran to the scene, surrounding me and my stepdad. The white, large wolf bared their teeth, making the four other wolfs back away from me. Their dark eyes softened, turning to really light grey. My tail wagged like a puppies, my head was down and whining. The wolf took cautious steps towards me, now standing over me. I lift my head, booping our noses together. "Hi little mate~" his voice was horse, but so hot.
Wait, he was a guy?!
This must be my lucky day!

"Hi~~" I lick his nose, grinning. He layed down next to me, nuzzling his snout in my neck, nibbling playfully on my fur. "What's your name?" I begun purring, closing my eyes and leaning in my mates touch. "Nathan" "I'm Jace" I hum, laying my head down unwillingly. Suddenly everything went dark.

Hm, why does it smell good?
I rub my face into someone warm, humming. I sniff, my eyes widening when I smelled the cherry blossom trees. My eyes met with my mates. He had a playfully grin on his lips as he watched my reaction. He was laying down, shirtless. Oh god, this is bad! He's way too hot!! "Good morning, little mate~" even his voice is hot! That's unfair!

"M-morning" he awed, pulling back to his warm chest. "You're so adorable" he quietly cooed, pecking the top of my head. I close my eyes, hugging his middle tightly. "How are feeling?" He muttered in my hair. "Better.. thank you" he pushed me back enough to see my face, then raising a brow. "You saved me" my mouth curved in a sweet smile, looking up at him dreamily. "Just doing my job as your mate, little one~" my stomach filled with butterflies, my heart fluttering at his words.

"Is someone blushing?" He teased, grinning. "No" I deny his remark, burying my face in his warm, bare chest. He chuckled, it vibrating in his chest.
I was really happy.

werewolf one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora