!Chapter 14!

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Few weeks later

Honestly its been pretty normal around the house for a past couple of weeks. I guess I never really noticed how lonely it is when Benimaru or s/n isn't here.

I'm sitting on the porch on a porch swing, as the cold, morning, spring air flows gently hits my skin. It looks like it's going to rain soon. There's dark storm clouds hovering above and it has that nice smell of rain.

(idk if that's just something I smell. Let me know if I'm crazy or not lol)

Benimaru is still out doing his duties with Lord Rimuru.

"I'm quite worried about him. This looks like it's going to be a bad storm." I murmur to myself quietly. As much as I love rain and storms, I don't want Benimaru to get caught up in it. And as far as I know, Lord Rimuru prohibited any sort of attack magic in the city, and I'm not sure if that applies to defense magic as well.

I headed back inside to begin my daily chores and make some tea as well.

I just got done wiping off counters when I heard a knock at the door. I went over to see who it was. I had no more and opened the door when two giant men I had never saw before pushed their way inside without a word said.

"Um excuse me? What do you think you're doing?" I said as I stopped them from making their way into the kitchen. They both just looked at me with shock which soon contorted to anger.

"You don't think WE need a place to stay as well? Look outside, do you want us to die?" One of the men said while gesturing to the window. "And besides, you should feel honored that you have the privilege to give us shelter."

I felt utterly repulsed by these men. Why do they think they have so much authority over me? And to have the nerve to act in such a rude and unsightly manner.

I took a deep breath in to prevent myself from yelling then exhaled. "I'm sorry sires, but I believe you have the wrong person, and house, if I may add. Despite how it may look around the house, it is still private property and I must ask that you leave before I must force you out myself."

They both glared at me as if I was speaking insults to them in a different language.

"How dare you insul-" I cut him off

"No, I don't belive that I have insulted you in any way sir. I was simply putting facts out there." I said as monotoned as I could muster. "It is as i said before, this is private property, and you are trespassing. I have asked you nicely to leave, and I would greatly appreciate it if you listened." My monotone as left my voice and now anger is beginning to slip in.

"I don't belive you know who I am?" The other man said with such a cocky tone that made me want to punch him right there and now.

I sighed once again and began to wipe my hands off with a hand towel, as they were wet from the cleaning supplies.

"Frankly, I'm not sure I care who you are." I said with disappointment entwined with my voice. "I would appreciate it if you left."

The men just stared at me with disbelief.

'It doesn't look like they're planning on leaving anytime soon.' I thought to myself. 'I wonder if Benimaru would be angry with me if I hurt them a little" although I already knew the answer to that.

Suddenly I heard the door creak open ever so slightly and I decided that the best course of action would be to call Benimaru over.

"Master, would you mind coming over here for just a moment please?" I was hoping he'd get the hint and realize what I was trying to do.

But to my great displeasure, it was not Benimaru...

Benimaru x Fem! reader That time I got reincarnated as a slimeWhere stories live. Discover now