!Chapter 2!

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Heyyy I'm back again! Let's just skip this part😅


"There's no way I'm staying there for a year." (S/n) grumbled and finished her last piece of bacon. She stood up with her plate in hand and placed it in the sink. She then reached over and grabbed the pans that I used for cooking and placed them on the counter and started to wash the dishes.

Fuze looked back at me when I started to pick up the blanket that I dropped. I walked down the hallway and place the blanket in the laundry basket and walked back out "I'm sorry but theres no way I can stay there for a year. I have to pay rent here and I cant just give this house up if the quest extends the date outward. And in case you haven't noticed, I cant just just take off of work for a year." I stated as I continued back down to me and (s/n)'s room and began to pick up clothes. I grabbed the laundry basket out of our room and pulled it in front of the laundry room door.

"It's pretty high paying job (Y/N). High enough that it could get you a way better house and when you get back you could always find a new, better paying job." Fuze explained. I thought for a moment. If I accepted this job, I could possibly be putting (s/n) in danger. Besides it's not even a guarantee that I'll be able to find a new house or job. I could also be putting (s/n) out of a job. But at the same time, we need the money. I dont even know how much it is.

"How much?" I heard (s/n) say. I looked down the hallway to see (s/n) sitting on a chair looking at Fuze. Fuze was sitting on the chair across from her. He looked kinda shocked that she would even think about that. Shes never really cared that much about money so this is quite surprising. I pushed the rest of the laundry into the washer and poured laundry detergent into the machine

"It would be 1.5 million dollars." Fuze said cautiously. Me and (s/n) both froze up. Did I hear that correctly? I didnt know what to do or say. We could really use that money but why so much just to go spy on some little monster nation? Is it really that dangerous? 1.5 million to live there for a year and make sure they dont plot against the kingdom?

"Why so much to spy on a little town?" I asked in a very cautious tone. I need to make sure that I get the truth and nothing but the truth.

"Well...you guys are technically considered monsters because of your guys genes. Although you'd have to transform and embrace it." I can tell Fuze is trying to be careful with the words he chooses but no matter how he words it, it's going to come out sounding bad. (S/n) looked over to me for approval. I sighed and turned back to Fuze.

"Okay just give us 2 days to pack everything up and we will be ready to leave. Are we going on foot or in a carriage?" I said looking over to (s/n) who was cheering and runs to her room to start packing.

"You'd be walking to avoid suspicion. They have many powerful warriors there, so they would probably be on guard if they couldn't see you." Fuze explained.


Heyyy I'm back again, sorry if this takes a while since I'm going to be writing these in bunches before posting them
Sorry it's short I'll try to make them longer
Finished Friday July 30th 2021 at 11:31pm with 644 words Published at 2:02am July 31st

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