!Chapter 8!

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I was quite hesitant to just leave s/n there but she insisted on staying at Rimuru's house. We're now heading to Benimaru's house

Quick a/n, I dont actually know what or if Benimaru has a house there but for the sake of this story, he has house in Tempest. It's going to be near Rimurus house. I should also mention, y/n doesn't call Rimuru by his formal title because she's thinking it and since she's a spy she really doesn't give two fucks. Later in the story she will though, so sorry if it bugs you

We walked through town and got to the edge. We arrived at this small house with all kinds of flowers surrounding the house. It had this nice gravel road leading up to the house. It was a classic wooden house. (Think of a cabin) 

"Do you live by yourself?" I asked. He looked over to me and behind his emotionless expression, in his eyes he carried a slight hint of happiness.

"Yeah, my sister used to live with me here but she moved out." Benimaru replied. "Though, her old room is currently being used as storage, so I have to get that cleaned out." He looked to me. Is he trying to tell me something? It suddenly clicked in my head that there isn't another room.

"Oh. Well I don't mind sleeping on the couch for now." I replied with a smile. He sighed and started walking up the driveway, which I followed him of course. He unlocked the house and walked inside. The house was so organized and pretty. There was two white pillows with black spots on it sitting on the couch. The couch was charcoal black. There was paintings on the walls and beautiful pictures. The walls were a bright white color. There was a kitchen connected to the living room. He walked down the hallway and dissapeared into another room.

Not gonna lie it's kinda awkward just standing here. I don't want to sit down. (..cause that's just awkward as fuck) When he came back out he was holding a blanket and pillow.


Motivation really just said no❤

Finished at 5:12pm Tuesday August 24th 2021. Published at 5:14pm August 24th 2021. Word count: 379

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