!Chapter 6!

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This chapter is probably going to be out super late


Benimaru's POV

I don't usually feel the need to talk to people. I prefer to stay quiet so I don't understand why these particular girls, no that's not correct, (y/n) makes me feel the need to talk to them. They both seem very interesting but the shorter one peaks my attention. I can't stop staring at her.

She continues to eat not even paying any attention to me. I'm sure she feels me staring at her but she just ignores it. I look over to (s/n) to see her staring at me with a very confused look on her face. Her confusion soon turned to Shion who returned her stare. I stop looking at them and continue eating my food. Once we're all finished eating we head out of the shop. I look to Shion who has already started saying her goodbyes. Something about having to go report to Master. I looked over to them as Shion left.

"Did you want me to show you guys around or would you like to do so yourselves?" I ask as y/n looks to s/n who just looked back to me.

"Sure I don't see why not" s/n replied. "But...I would like to go back to that clothing store. She then took off leaving me and y/n to stand there by ourselves. She then laughs and looks back at me.

"She's so strange sometimes." She mumbled to herself. Turning her attention to me, she asked "So where are we going first?" I pointed to the first building I saw. She nodded and followed after me

After that, cause no one cares and I don't want to write that all out.


Benimaru doesn't talk that much. I never know what he's thinking and his facial expressions don't give anything away.

"So...do you know where me and s/n will be staying?" I felt embarrassed by the fact I had to ask. I figured he'd tell me but he never did, he just looked at a little hut in the middle of the town. I wonder if he's trying to say that's where I'll be. He turned his attention back to me.

"I'll ask Lord Rimuru." He replied in a monotoned voice. "I'll come to find you when I find out." He continues on. Then looks back to the road ahead of us and walks away. 'I'm bored already. Maybe I should go find s/n.' I looked back to see that Benimaru was gone already.

'Damn he walks fast, no wonder he's got some nice legs.'(I know we can't even see his legs, but we're just going to ignore that fact.) I quickly shook that thought out of my head. 'Nope nope! I'm just here to make sure they don't try to plot against the kingdom. When that's over me and s/n go back home to Blumund.' I reasoned with myself. Although there was no real point in that considering I knew all that. I was just thinking he had some nice-looking legs. Yeah, that's all. Nothing suspicious about that at all.

I walked to where we were when we started the tour then in the direction I was s/n run off to. I'm kinda surprised that no one seems scared of us at all. They pay no mind to us at all. It's kinda freaking not gonna lie. I can't imagine we looked good when we first came into the town. We were barely keeping ourselves alive. This forest had little to no resources to eat or use to build a place to sleep. I'm surprised we managed to stay alive that long.

This Rimuru person was very nice but I don't think Shion likes me very much. She seemed to get along with s/n though so that's good.

I should probably get closer with someone with inside knowledge of the politics of this kingdom. Maybe I should try to get closer with Benimaru. If he's as high ranking as I think he is, he'd be perfect to get knowledge from.


It's now 7 at night, I'm starting to think he isn't going to show up. S/n and I met up at the clothing store she said she'd be at. We didn't have anywhere to go so we just stayed in the store until they closed at 6 pm. Now we're just sitting by the fence by the outskirts of town. I guess we're just waiting for Benimaru to tell us where we're staying. But he hasn't shown up yet. I doubt he even knows where we are. I probably should have told him where I was headed.

Rimuru's POV

l was super busy trying to arrange meetings with the dryads and other monsters. I had to keep Benimaru behind to have him take care of some of the paperwork.

"So, about those girls, what do you think?" I ask while still writing letters.

"I'm not too sure, something about them is...interesting to say the least," Benimaru replied. Then he seemed to remember something. "Do you know where they will be staying?" He asked. I hadn't given it much thought, to be honest. I don't really have a place to put them. We have houses being built right now, but there's no where to stay.

"How about they stay at my place," I suggest before looking up to see Benimaru looking at me in shock.

"Not that I doubt your decision Lord Rimuru, but this is your house. I could let them stay at my place if necessary." Benimaru had put his pen down by this point and is now on edge. I can't let him take them both. It'd be too much to ask considering they'd probably be alone at his house together because he spends most of his time here.

"Okay, a compromise. How about I let s/n stay here and y/n stay at your house. Just until their house is built." He still seemed uneasy but reluctantly agreed. I looked up to the time and it was 7:38 pm. "You should probably go meet up with them now. I'm pretty sure I feel them by the west fence." (I don't if he has a power like that, but for the sake of Benimaru's and my own sanity he does now.) He nodded and signed one last paper and placed the rest on my desk. Then he walked out the door.

Benimaru's POV

I walked out the door after dropping the rest of the paperwork on Lord Rimuru's desk. I took a shortcut to the west gate and arrived there in about 10 minutes. When I got there I saw s/n and y/n talking and laughing with each other. Y/n was leaned up against the gate and s/n was sitting on the ground. When they saw me s/n stood up and they both came to greet me.

"Hey, Benimaru!" Y/n smiled while greeted me, I got slight butterflies in my stomach but ultimately ignored it. I'm sure I'm just nervous or something like that. We haven't known each other for that long but she seems to be warming up to me. Just this morning we had never even heard of each other.


Hey so this chapter is out super late. I'm not sure what day the next chapter is going to be out. I've been sorta sick lately so I probably still will be super slow about posting.

Finished at 11:37pm August 8th 2021, with 1280 words. Published at 11:39pm August 8th

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