Chapter 20

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I was walking down the hallway to my room when I suddenly heard Caine and Daniel yelling at each other. I pressed my ear towards the wooden door to hear what they were saying. 

"I can't just lay around, my pack is in danger! If my brothers and I are captured, the other packs that we rule will also be in danger!" I heard Caine growl after what he had said.

"Well, my clan is also as important as the safety of the wolves, I can't just start a random war!" Daniel's voice was laced with anger.

I started walking away, knowing I knew enough when Caine suddenly said, "I can smell your scent."

I froze. I am so screwed. I opened the door and went in awkwardly. Caine patted the seat right next to him, gesturing for me to sit down. I sat beside him, the chair softly creaking as I plopped down onto it.

There was an awkward silence until Daniel decided to break it.

"Why were you eavesdropping?" He asked.

"Just curious," I mumbled, fiddling with my fingers nervously.

"If you were anyone else, I would've had your memory erased..." he started. Having your memory erased was very painful, it would give you daily headaches after the person has erased your memory, but the person who cast it would also be weaker than usual for a few days.

I stood up to leave the room, before he changed his mind, but a warm hand caught my wrist. I groaned, did he change his mind about not punishing me now? 

"Don't eavesdrop next time, these are matters to be discussed by us only," I heard Daniel say from behind me. I didn't look back, I just went straight to the door and out of the room.

When I heard the door click behind me, I went into my room and started pacing around, trying to figure out what they meant. When will they stop hiding secrets from me?


I sat on my bed, reading random books on my bedside table that were for the guests, since this was one of the guest rooms they put me in. It was all about vampires, witches, and wolves. I wonder if there were more magical species, most mythical and supernatural creatures usually hide from other kinds to avoid getting hunted down, which made me even more curious.

I put the last book down, I have read all four of the books placed on the table. Now I didn't know what to do. Was there a library here somewhere? I was really curious about other supernatural creatures. I wanted to know more.

I stood up and twisted the doorknob, opening the door. I ran past the hallway, then got lost. I forgot about my bad sense of direction. I saw a shadow walk past me, I immediately looked around by instinct. When the figure was close to touching me, I dodged and threw a punch right on the man's face. I heard a soft grunt, he was stunned, he didn't expect me to react that way. I took the opportunity to open the lights to the hallway.

A man stood, covering the part of his face that I had punched. He had fangs that rested on his lower lip. He wore a white T-shirt and jeans, which surprised me because I actually thought vampires actually wore robes and hideous things like the TV.

"Sorry, I thought I was being attacked or something," I said as I looked at the punch's results. It was really red, it was going to bruise soon, but to my surprise, it healed in a blink of an eye.

"No, actually, if you didn't stop me I would have attacked you, we, vampires hate werewolf blood, but your only half-blood, and it's been a while since I tasted fresh human or half-human blood."

Okay, now I kind of wish that I was born a pure-blooded wolf, just so that I wouldn't get daily attacks from hungry vampires. I probably look like a walking blood bank to this vampire right now.

I just stared at him as he got a blood bag from his pocket and drank from it hungrily. He finished the whole thing in less than a minute. Wow, he really must be hungry. He looked up and was surprised when he still saw me there.

"Do you need something? Because if you don't I suggest going as far as you can from me, it's very tempting to drink your blood you know," he said as he pointed to the blood bag that was now empty. Was that a threat? That my blood would soon be sucked dry like how he did to the blood bag?

"Uhhh, can you help me find the library?" I asked. "Preferably before you become more thirsty and suck me dry," I added. He grinned and led the way.

After a few minutes, he started clutching his head while walking. When I looked at his eyes, they were flashing from red to their normal light brown color every second. He came to an abrupt stop and grabbed another blood bag from his pocket and gulped it down. His eyes stopped flashing and he started walking normally again.

"I forgot to ask, what's your name?" I asked.

"Lucas, yours?" He replied.


We reached a door with a wooden sign, the word 'Library' was written on it in cursive letters. He held the door open for me. I thanked him and went inside. I heard the door close with a loud 'click'. I started looking through cover to cover, until I finally found what I had been curious about since before. 

The title read:

The Pure-Blooded Wolves.

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