Chapter 17

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A pair of hazel brown eyes stared at my shuddering figure. He held up a hand, and I thought he was going to punch me but then his hand gently caressed my hair. "What are you doing inside the barrier?" Daniel asked.

I was surprised that he was here, inside the barrier at the time I was in most need. "I was captured by the vampires," I whispered as if one of the vampires would hear me.

Then, Daniel did something that surprised me. He got a dagger out of his pocket then slid it to his wrist, blood dripping out of it. He held it near my mouth, which made me disgusted and I tried to turn away, but he grabbed my face and allowed the blood to drop into my mouth which I had to swallow.

"What was that for?" I said as I tasted the metallic taste of his blood.

"It was for you to leave the barrier, it's the only way," he explained as the wound in his wrist closed and healed on it's own.

"I need your blood  to get through the barrier?!" I said in surprise.

"Mhm, it's the only way," was his response. 

He led me towards the edge of the barrier and when I went out of it, I saw Caine leaning on a tree, looking stressed out. When he saw me, he immediately grabbed me and held me in a comforting embrace.

"I thought I lost you," he whispered as he put a strand of my hair in my ear. His chest was so warm and comforting, I wanted to be on it forever. I felt safe and secured in his arms, I didn't want to let go.

Daniel went towards us and said, "We should get out of here before the vampires do their 'checking up on the place' thing." Caine nodded and we left the area with a few other injured wolves.

When we reached the building, I saw a few vampires around the corner, whispering among themselves. Daniel immediately halted us to a stop. "Those aren't any of the vampires in my clan, it must be..." he trailed off, but that was enough for us to understand what he meant.

A sudden guilt crept up on me. I had been the one to tell those vampires everything about Daniel and his vampires, all that I knew anyway. But I had been the one to tell them all I knew once I had been...

Daniel's voice cut off through my thoughts. "They shouldn't know about us..."

"I think I told them about it when I  was... under the vampire's control," I admitted. The guilt weighed off my shoulders ever so slightly, but the guilt that consumed me was still visible in y eyes.

"It's fine, you weren't in control of yourself, it isn't your fault," Daniel said, attempting to comfort me. He gently touched my shoulder, but earned a growl from Caine. His growl attracted the vampires and one of them snarled at our direction.

"Oops," Caine muttered.

The vampires started walking towards us, the black haired, red eyed vampire that was the one who took care- or should I say, tortured me, at the front, probably their 'leader'. 

When they were close enough for us to hear what they were saying, the black haired, red eyed vampire said, "I see your back with your little friends then? At least I got enough information from you to know who are the ones responsible for escapees." 

I heard some of the other vampires snicker, and I saw Caine's hands curl into fists. 

"And I'm glad you and your little pathetic friends lead us to where your little hide out is," he said as he gestured towards the building. "We just had a head start when you all were slowed by those lame wolves."

I could literally feel Caine heating up, and as much as I wanted to punch the guy in the face, I didn't want Caine to hurt himself, so I wrapped my arms around his arm, hoping it would be enough to calm him down. It did calm him down, a little bit, because he started stroking my hair absent-mindedly.  I was too distracted to notice that Daniel and the vampire was deep in discussion.

"Just stop minding my business with the wolves and I'll leave your group alone," the vampire growled.

"Elijah, I don't want to repeat myself," Daniel said firmly. By his tone and facial expression, anyone could tell that he was pissed.

"Are you really willing to sacrifice your group's vampires just to save these wolves? They have stomped over us for years! This is our time to take revenge on those ignorant, little wolves," Elijah said, crossing his arms over his chest. 

"Didn't our overall master sign an agreement to have peace with the wolves? Your breaking the rules, I won't be surprised if you were to be banished," Daniel countered. Elijah obviously cringed at what he had said.

If there is an overall leader for the vampires, then who is the overall leader of the wolves?  I asked my wolf out of curiosity.

Caine and his brothers, also called 'The Cadell Brothers', my wolf said helpfully.

My jaw almost dropped open and fell to the ground. 

Say what?!

Yes, dumbhead, our mate is one of the overall leaders, isn't he cute?

Overall leaders?  I echoed, I shook my head when I realized how dumb I sounded.

Yes, there are more Alpha's, but of course, Caine is the hottest-

I'm not here to discuss about their looks, I mentally glared at my wolf.

Whatever, she mumbled, mentally returning my glare.

I had been so consumed in thought and talking to my wolf that I hadn't noticed that Daniel and Elijah were shooting each other death glares. Both of their fists were clenched, and I was afraid that both of them would throw themselves to each other and attack. I felt Caine gently caressing my back, comforting me.

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