Chapter 1

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'Sweetie, you have to run! The werewolves will be here soon, we don't stand a chance against them." My father had been trying to convince me to run for the past few minutes. 

Then, my mother came in, she looked terrified. "Sylvia, please, run! Our village can't hold them for long when they come!" my mother said. 

"I can't leave you guys!" I sobbed. "It was my fault in the first place!"

Just then, there was a faint sound of footsteps. 

"Please, run, run until you reach somewhere safe." 

I thought about everything. I realized that with me sticking around, they would be more distracted by protecting me rather than themselves. So if I left... they'd have a better chance of survival. 

Finally, I nodded. "Please stay safe," I whispered as I gave both of them quick hugs. 

Then, I opened our back door, and ran. 

I passed through many trees and tripped a few times, got stuck in some sticky mud, but ran all the while. I kept inhaling the sweet forest scent, I never really appreciated it until now, mostly because I rarely went out of the house, unless when hunting food for our village. But that was something else, I had to focus on not getting killed rather than the woody scent of the woods.

Our village was one of the last human ones, it was why we tried our hardest in keeping it secret, but with the wolves' having supernatural abilities, they could sniff us out. 

Just right then, I heard a blood-curdling scream, that was when I knew my village was being slaughtered. 

And if things couldn't get any worse, I heard fast footsteps or maybe pawsteps behind me. 

I didn't bother turning around to know that it was a wolf, I couldn't risk turning around unless I wanted to be caught. 

I ran faster, trying not to trip on fallen branches. But even with my hardest efforts, the wolves outran me, after all, they could run very fast, considering that was one of their abilities.

I took the risk to turn around, which was a big mistake. One of the wolves jumped high and landed right on top of me. Its claws extended and slashed on my arm, then, it knocked me unconscious, and everything turned black.


I gasped and felt myself sweating all over. I inhaled, and the scent of rusty metal took over.

I looked around and saw the other humans from my village. 

Some of them were untouched, some were injured lightly, while others had bruises all over them. 

We were imprisoned in a large cell, just enough for us not to be squished against each other.

 Werewolves guarded our cell, near the bars but not too near for them not to touch the silver. I looked around once more, seeing some people unconscious, some even looked dead. But after I looked around the cell the third time, I saw my parents near the wall.

I rushed towards them and hugged them. Relief flooded their eyes when they saw that I wasn't injured much. 

I saw that my mom was untouched, but my father had a large wound on his arm, like a claw mark.

The wolves looked like they are debating on whether they make us their slaves, make us fight each other and them watching us as if we were an entertaining TV show, or they would kill us on the spot.

My mother must have seen the worry and concern on my face because she hugged me tighter. 

She caressed my back gently, but just right then, one of the werewolves announced, "The Alpha and his Beta will be here shortly, to discuss your fate."

The wolves near him chuckled, while most of us started trembling. 

I looked around the room, finding for my friends, I didn't have much friends, since I was barely allowed to go out. It was considered high risk if children were to go out and have fun. We could only go out to hunt for food, and if we made too much noise, the wolves would hear us, they have heightened senses after all. 

I looked around the room again, and that's when I finally saw my friends, whispering and clutching each other in fear. Welp, there's my team.

I went over to them, and when they saw me, relief washed their faces. "Sylvia! Thank God you're alive, we thought they chomped you down," Emma said, coming over to hug me.

"Yeah, especially they said if anyone tries running away they'll rip their bodies apart," Ezra said, glaring at one of the nearby wolves. Thankfully, the wolf was on his back, so he didn't see Ezra glare at him, or he'd probably be in pieces right now.

We started chatting, about how we were captured, and how the wolves were so bossy.

The door burst open and a man came out. A powerful aura around him.

An Alpha.

When I looked him in the eye, it was like everything stopped. 

And for a moment, I felt lost in them.

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