1 // Strange boy in a jumpsuit

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(A/N: I don't own this fanart, I might draw some of them but I'm kinda busy so idk, anyways I'm not sure if I'm gonna write a lemon or what not. I'll decide in the future, also please let me know if there is a spelling error or some constructive criticism but don't bash me I'm doing my best hehe 😮‍💨 anyways I hope u like it!)


You sat in the freezing cold water feeling the temperature fall it was freezing. But you didn't even notice your pants were soaked and your fingers were purple but you had to keep training. You liked this spot really considering you used a lot of ice while training. Water helped in this situation. You sat in the stream focusing your chakra your goal was to try to NOT freeze the water while you were in there. All the sudden you heard a snap of a tree branch and jumped slightly. The ice froze all around you and the stream leaving you trapped by your waist. You knew someone was there.

"Come out you're not slick." you said with a strait face a hint of annoyance in your voice.

your face softened slightly when you saw who it was.

"I-Im sorry."

you let out a soft chuckle

"Its okay, but can you I don't know... GET ME OUT OF HERE??" you said with a playful attitude

"oh yeah right sorry yuki"

"You're something else, Gai."

Now that you mention it was probably better for him to have found you because your hands were all pruney and your face was a mix of blue, purple and red. You had maybe been in there for four or five hours training, but it was a worth it you were getting stronger and it wasn't very hard to see.

"Wanna work on our taijustu" Gai stated as if we had all the energy in the world.

"Sure" you say in a chuckle.

you both head to the training grounds and begin to run laps. It started with you in the lead then Gai pushing up to you you advanced forwards and it just kept like this. It felt like the two of you were running for hours. It made you realize he wasn't going to give up so you gave in and let him pass you. You began to train with your taijustu helping Gai with his as well. Hours past and it began to get dark yet Gai insisted on continuing training.

"Gai your going to push yourself to hard."

"But yuki I must continue training till I become stronger."

"But G-" you tried to say but he ran off to continue training before you could say anything. Letting out a low groan you began to chase him down. Playfully he slid from tree to tree. It was now nightfall and he was just teasing you at this point.

"Gai c'mon slow downnn.." You complained

You were usually faster than him but you've been off recently not being able to sleep for weeks...

"Catch me if you can!" He yelled sarcasticly and picked up his pace.


"But why would anyone want to hurt the handsome devil of the leaffff" He says


that would make a lot more sense. You thought to yourself, but why would Gai be drunk?? You snapped out of your trance when you realized something, Gai, hiding from you. 'oh it is sooooo on' you thought.
You began to hide your chakra and being sneaky. You began to perform hand signs and you made a shadow clone sneaking around the clone tried to attack Gai from the side but he stopped it playfully the real you came from behind and grabbed Gai putting your hands around his hips and pulling him down. You both fell from the tree. When you got up you began laughing. Gai just smiled.

"I guess you found me"

"I guess I did"

You both sat there for a moment before you realized the sky had gone black.


"Yes yuki?"

"You should get home, it's late and you need a break"

"But train-"


"But I have t-"

"You need a break Gai, if you don't I'll drag you back to my house and make you take one got it?"

"But yuki I-"

"I'll make curry"

He seemed to pause for a moment

"I'm in"

You lead Gai to your house and began to cook. You managed to get him to lay down for a while. But he didn't stop his talking about the power of youth and training with his team. To be honest I wasn't entirely listening, I was focusing more about the mission I had tomorrow. The hokage namikaze Minato, had ordered me to go on a mission with none other that kakashi hatake. Him and I have trained together and we both get alone quite well, but he's kinda irritating when his team is around. But we have to go to the village hidden in the sand for information about some jinkurachi something about a 10 tails? I'm not quite sure all I know is that they didn't tell us much just just that we had to get information and then report to the hokage.
This was and ANBU mission just with me and kakashi Wich is a good sign so that there hopefully won't be too many problems on the way, but we haven't really been getting along with the the sand village and something about someone in the most village is causing some problems for us? I'm not sure. But we leave tomorrow.. and something felt off. When I fe out of my thoughts I saw Gai practically drooling over the pot of curry I just made. I got him a bowl and he inhaled his food without saying a word. I got a little nervous he might choke but he was okay. After that we sat down for a while before..

"I need to grab something I'll be back" I called out.

"Mhm" Gai mumbled back

"I'm ba-" I said only to find a passed out Gai breathing lightly and softly.

I chuckled knowing he's was tired this whole time. I gently picked him up and put him on my bed covering him with my blanket before staring at him in awe 'hes such an idiot' you thought. But, none to less he was your idiot and he was your friend. You went to sleep only to wake up an hour later realizing how late you were but at least you had gotten sleep. You got up off the floor and realized Gai was still on your bed. You chuckled at this and left him a note before getting ready for your mission.
You threw on your armour and grabbed your mask planning to meet kakashi at the gates.

(A/N: I wanted to show you what Gai and yuki's friendship was like first, and now we're going to see her team next the romance kinda stuff won't come for a bit so please be patient, welp I wrote this whole chapter without a break so it may be a little short but my fingers are gonna fall off- 😭😭 so, till next time)


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