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A/n: I watched Nanny McPhee not too long ago soooo here you go lol.


When Simon was only thirteen years old, he met the best nanny he and his siblings ever had. At first, they hated her just like the twenty previous nannies their father hired but as time went by they soon grew fond of Nanny McPhee.

Yes, she punished them and forced them to do as they were told but she always helped them when they truly needed it and that had been enough for all of them to love the woman.

But as she always said, when you no longer need me then I must go, and she did.

She left when everthing was fine again, when everything was good between Simon's father and him. But when she left, things started to go south again. Cedric slowly fell back into his habit of never paying attention to his kids while the kids fell back into their habit of making a mess just to get noticed by their father.

So, it was no surprise really when the loud knock on the door revealed to have been made by the one and only Nanny McPhee in all her greatness. What was surprising, however, was that she wasn't alone this time.

She had brought a boy.

Cedric had been so relieved upon seeing the nanny that he hugged her and welcomed her right away into his home. He called for his children to come downstairs and when they all did, they jumped into the nanny's arms, happy to finaly see her again, even in those circomstances.

Simon was the last one to get downstairs and when he reached the crowd that his siblings had formed he realised that it was Nanny McPhee attracting all the attention. A bright smile took place upon his lips and he watched the nanny make eye contact with him before smiling just as bright. She had never said anything but everybody knew she always had a soft spot for the blonde.

"Nanny McPhee!" Simon exclaimed happily, hugging her as tightly as he could, making her laugh.

"Hello to you too, Simon." she greeted as she hugged the teenager back. "You grew up so fast. Look at you." she said as they pulled away from each other so that she could take a good look at him. "What are you? 16? 17?"

"I'm 19." he replied and she gasped in surprised.

"Anc you still look younger than your age. How lucky you are, young man." she told him and he chuckled before hugging her one last time and stepping back. "So," she said after a few minutes. "unlike last time I was here, I brought someone along with me. My nephew." she announced, stepping aside to reveal a boy Simon hadn't even noticed was there. But when he saw him, he froze.

That boy looked to be around his age and boy was he handsome. His beauty had the blonde shocked as he gaped openly, staring without blinking and not even paying attention to what was happening around him. The boy smiled and Simon felt himself melt at the soft sight.

"Hey, I'm Dylan." he introduced himself with a small wave of the hand as he looked around. The brunette's eyes met Simon's and he stared for a brief second. "It's very nice to meet you." he said, looking at the blonde up and down without a shame.

Simon felt himself heat up at the way he was being scanned by the brunette and looked at everything but him, trying to get his cheeks to stop blushing. Thankfully, no one had paid attention to their little interraction and so they all proceeded with introductions and led them to their room.

A few weeks passed and the blonde as well as his siblings were still making a mess to get their father's attention while apologising to nanny McPhee after each prank as they felt bad for disappointing the woman. Meanwhile, Dylan was watching the pranks from afar, laughing his ass off as he had never had so much fun in his life.

Nanny McPhee had scolded her nephew several times for not stopping any of them every time he saw what was going on but she couldn't help smiling when she saw how happier he seemed to be ever since they came here.

Dylan had a bad relationship with his parents as well and so, when nanny McPhee had come to visit her sister, she decided to take him with her for a while so that they all could catch a break from the constant fighting. And she was glad she had made that decision because she felt like she was getting her nephew back. The one with a bubbly personality, full of life and laughter as well as mischief.

Today, they all decided to go and have a picnic. But, of course, Simon had decided otherwise and had faked being sick again to stay home alone. But nanny McPhee wasn't fooled at all and yet she still allowed him to stay home since she felt like he need a break from everyone. But she also knew the boy and thought it would be best to have Dylan stay home with him. At first, the brunette had grumbled in annoyance, he had been looking forward to the picnic but when his brain registered the words alone and Simon he suddenly wasn't so against it anymore.

So, everyone left and the two boys were left alone. Together. Without anybody to disturb them. But being alone with Simon ended up not being what Dylan had expected it to be at all. The blonde was behaving like a total little shit and the brunette couldn't seem to keep up with him. He was making a giant mess in the house and Dylan knew that if he didn't stop him now, his aunt would have his ass later on. And he certainly didn't want that. His aunt could be scary even for him sometimes.

"Okay, that's enough, Simon!" the brunette tried to stop the blonde who flipped him off and ran passed him. "Come on, stop being such a child." he sighed at the other who ignored him and opened a bag of flour before throwing it everywhere in the dining room. The sight had Dylan widen his eyes in disbelief as he watched the whole room becoming white while Simon laughed. "You're being ridiculous, stop this." Dylan said, his voice indicating that he was nearly about to snap. "I said enough!" he exclaimed as he caught a running Simon and pinned him against the wall.

"You're not the boss of me, Dylan."

"I never said I was." the brunette sighed. He was exhausted and really didn't understand how his aunt could deal with this shit all day long, everyday. "If you keep this up, you're not the only who's gonna get his ass whooped, alright?"

"Do I care?" Simon asked with a raised brow and Dylan bit back a snarky remark. Instead he bit his lip, trying to remain calm as much as possible. He liked the blonde and he would like to stay on his good side. Especially knowing what being on his bad side did. He looked at Simon again and saw that the blonde's focus was directed to the lip he was biting and he smirked as an idea flourished in his mischievious mind.

"You better behave, you know?" he said with a smirk, looking at Simon's eyes going up to meet his.

"Or what?" he challenged with a scoff and that was exactly the king of response Dylan had hoped he would get.

"Don't you know, Simon?" he asked, stepping closer to him, their bodies pressed flush against each other before whispering in his ear. "Naughty boys gets punished."

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