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~No One's POV~

Newt was sent into the maze two years ago. Two very long and tiring years inside this trap created by people he did not know the name of. And it frustrated him, he was angry most of time but he always tried to hide it as much as possible from the other gladers.

He was the second-in-command afterall. He was supposed to be strong but kind and able to help everyone with everything. He wasn't supposed to be throwing tantrums like a bloody child and look weak in front of anyone.

Even Alby.

The guy had chosen him as his second and he didn't want to disappoint him. Technically speaking, no one had chosen them as leaders or anything and there was no leader and second-in-command. But it was just what things looked like, whenever a greenie arrived, it was Alby and no one else who gave them the tour and overall delt with them.

Newt was usually helping the greenies find a job that suits them and they all go to him whenever they had a problem. So, yeah, it was like an unspoken kind of thing.

The blonde was currently taking a shower in the makeshift showers they had built not too long ago. They used to just wash with some water in a bucket but since there was more and more gladers coming up every months, they decided best to build a few showers around the Glade.

The water was cold but it was still nice to have something that felt normal around here and Newt always took full advantage of that small luxury they finally were granted with.

He was standing still under the flowing water, his mind trying to imagine what his life looked like before ending up here. His hand instinctively going up to his neck and his fingers grabbing a hold of a necklace hanging around his neck. A ring was attached to the chain and he looked down at it, a small smile spreading on his lips as he stared at it.

He turned the ring around in between his finger until his eyes finally found the word carved into the inside of the golden metal.


His name wasn't Thomas so the blonde knew that whoever that boy was, he must have meant a lot to him. And since the very first day he entered the maze, he had wondered who this Thomas could be. He had asked around if they knew a Thomas, if a person called Thomas had come up the Box this month and so on but nothing.

He was waiting for this Thomas, knowing in his heart that whoever he was, he was going to come and find him someday. He just knew it. And so, he was going to wait for him.

Of course, there were times when he felt like he was never going to get out of this place or that his Thomas was never going to come. And it was in those moments that the blonde needed Thomas the most without even knowing it.

The sound of the Box coming up with the greenie of the month boomed into the Glade, startling him as he had been completely lost in his thoughts and he hurriedly finished showering before getting dressed in fresh clothes he had washed earlier today as well and run to the crowd of gladers gathered around the Box.

Once he reached it, he squeezed himself between everyone until he had finally reached the front and looked down at the scared greenie who was looking at Gally with wide eyes when he jumped inside the Box to get him out.

Newt couldn't get a very good look at him and so he didn't see the golden band that was wrapped securely around the boy's finger. Alby quickly took charge and gave the tour to the greenie when he had been in the pit for a while to calm down.

"Newt" Alby exclaimed, waving at him to join them. He jogged to the two boys and stopped next to them with a small smile. "Greenie, meet Newt" He said, introducing the two and Newt finally turned to the boy, getting a good look at him and finding himself shocked at how attractive he found him. This boy was just the most beautiful person he had ever met and he was mesmerised. He quickly snapped out of it though, not wanting to look creepy and shook his hand with a smile.

"Listen, that some dash you made earlier," The blonde said. "and then for a second I thought you the chops to be a runner. Until you faceplanted" He teased but was met with a blank expression and found himself disappointed. He had hoped to be greeted with a laugh or at the very least a smile but it was clearly a fail.

The day passed by pretty quickly and still the blonde had not seen the obvious ring wrapped around the new greenie's finger. However, he noticed how the other was sitting alone and decided to man up and try to talk to him again. And so he did, he talked to him and explained a few things, answered as many questions he had as possible before walking around with him and explaining to him the different groups of gladers as they walked passed them.

But then, Gally had to be a bitch and challenge the greenie to fight with him and the cute boy, being an idiot, agreed and they fought. Until Gally made him fall down harshly, violently hitting his head on the ground while Newt winced at the painful sight.

"Thomas" The greenie suddenly said as he stood back up which caught his attention immediately. "I remember my name" He exclaimed with a wide smile. "I'm Thomas" He shouted and Newt felt his heart beat faster than ever.

He found him.

He found his Thomas.

Or at least he hopped this was his Thomas, how would he know? He couldn't exactly remember his old life, could he?

However this was more than enough to make him hope. But not knowing if this was actually him, Newt decided to not say anything to him about the ring and how he had waited for him all this time. He kept everything to himself and watched Thomas from afar most of the time, admiring him and slowly falling in love with him. He didn't want to fall for him since he wasn't sure that this was really him and if it wasn't he didn't want to betray the real Thomas but he just couldn't help himself.

Luckily for him though Thomas seemed to like him too since he was constantly stealing glances when he thought the blonde wasn't paying attention and always tried to talk to him. And that made Newt feel so warm inside, making him blush all the time.

"Where did you get that?" The blonde asked Thomas when, after so long, his eyes finally caught sight of the other's ring. His first thought was that he had stolen his ring and was wearing it like it was his own but then Newt touched his neck and found the necklace with the ring still attached to it and he frowned.

"I had it when I came here" Thomas replied, looking confused as to why the blonde was asking him that in the middle of a conversation they were having.

"Did you take it off? Is there a name written on it?" The blonde asked in a rush which confused the other even more and he shook his head just before Newt took his ring off his finger without saying anything and looked inside. He froze for a few seconds, staring at the inside of the ring and Thomas took the ring back, looking on the inside as well to see Newt carved inside the golden band.

"How?" He whispered and looked up only to see Newt take his necklace off and show him the exact same ring. He took it gently and looked inside to see his own name carved into it and he sat there in confusion and shock.

"I waited so long for you" The blonde whispered, snapping Thomas out of his thoughts.

"W-what?" He stuttered, not understanding fully what was going on but a feeling inside of him was telling him that this was right, that what was happening was something he had waited for as well. And so he looked into the blonde's teary eyes which held an intensity that took him off guard and he felt as if he had found his way back home.

Newt didn't say anything in reply and took a hold of his hand instead, his thumb rubbing the soft skin tenderly while a gentle smile had taken place on his face before leaning slowly towards Thomas, stopping for a second to see if he was okay with it and Thomas nodded, leaning closer himself and connecting their lips in the softest of touch.


Newtmas ~One Shots~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora