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Dylan had been sitting on his hotel bed for thirty minutes. He had just read the script of the last maze runner movie and one particular scene had petrified him. It was a kiss scene. That in itself was okay, he didn't have any problem with that. And the fact that it was with another guy wasn't the issue here either. No, what froze him in place was the person he was supposed to be doing the kissing scene with.


The same Thomas he had been madly in love with since the first time they met. But he knew that the blonde didn't share his feelings. It was just the way he acted around him that made it clear. He acted just like he did with everybody else. Like friends. Dylan was saddened every time Thomas would say they were really good friends. He didn't want to be really good friends. But he couldn't do anything about it, could he?

He had been sitting on his bed, thinking about Thomas' reaction when reading about this scene the whole time. Would he be upset? No, the blonde wasn't like that. He tried to reassure himself. But what if he refuse to do the scene? Dylan didn't really want to admit it but he would be crushed if that happened. He didn't want to get hurt. He had been hurt plenty of times in the past and didn't need a remake of those. He soon decided to stop thinking about it, seeing as it was only terrifying him more than anything else and to never mention it unless it was Thomas himself that brought it up.

A month passed and nobody mentioned the kiss scene at all. It was like it didn't exist. Thomas was behaving just like his usual self and the rest of the cast didn't seem to be acting out of character either. Nobody teased them about it, nobody talked about it or threw little glances between them. Nothing. It nearly made Dylan think he had imagined the whole thing but after checking a few times, he was sure that he wasn't crazy.

It was a week before the dreaded scene that Thomas had walked up to Dylan and asked him to talk in private. Dylan didn't think much of it and followed him without saying anything. They walked into Thomas' trailer and sat on the small couch. They stayed quiet for a while, none of them having anything to say. It made Dylan feel restless. Was he supposed to say something? He was already confused by the fact that the blonde had asked him to follow him here. And now, no one was talking and the idea to just stand up and leave was looking better and better to Dylan. Thomas must have felt that Dylan was about to leave because he snapped his head up and stared at the brunette. Once again, not a word was exchanged but the intensity of the gaze did take Dylan by surprise.

Never had Thomas looked at him that way. It sent shiver down his spine for whatever reason. Dylan couldn't help but feel anxious under the other boy's gaze. What was the matter with him? He wanted to ask but it was like his mouth refused to function. So he stayed quiet and stared back at Thomas. They stayed like that for a while, the blonde taking a deep breath and liking his lips before out of nowhere leaning closer to Dylan and pressing his lips against his. Dylan's eyes widened in shock, not understanding why the blonde was kissing him out of the blue. This was so sudden and so unexpected Dylan panicked. What if I have bad breath? What if Thomas doesn't like the kiss? What if it's a one time thing? What if he thinks this was a mistake? He was scared. He sat there, blinking and not moving at all as he felt Thomas move his lips eagerly against his. After a few seconds though, Dylan snapped out of his shocked state and slowly melted into the soft kiss.

It was soft, gentle and warm. Just like Dylan had imagined it. It felt absolutely perfect. And with that he threw all his worries away and decided to just enjoy the moment for now. Thomas felt Dylan relax against him and he smiled, bringing one of his hands up to the other boy's cheek, pulling him closer while his other hand found a way to Dylan's waist. A sigh escaped Dylan's lips, the kiss being too good for him to stay quiet. He had kissed a lot of people, his job being a big help in that field but this might have been the best kiss he had ever recieved. He wasn't sure if it was the way the blonde kissed or because Dylan liked him but either way, it was incredible.

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