Chapter 27: Just Smile

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Karl POV

2 days were wasted, and it is the day of our 'wedding' with my 'fiancé', Angeline.

I did trust Alex and Nick from ruining our wedding, but i feel them tensing everytime i talk about the wedding and Angeline.

Were they jealous? Why would they be jealous of her? They were also okay and became friends then, how-

"Karl?" Kalem snapped me out of my thoughts, "O-oh, yes?"

Kalem sighed and sat beside me, "are you alright? You seem sad so i was just, convinced" I let inhaled and sighed, fiddling with the ring.

"It's just.. i feel like Alex and Nick aren't okay with this, i could see them smiling at me but i just- don't know" a tear dropped hitting to my clothes, Kalem hugged me and patted my back slowly, "whether they're okay or not we just have to ruin this day of the wedding, and explain all the things happened to the people. I know you can do it, Karl"

I wiped out the tears, not ruining the makeup they put on me earlier, "now, let's go?" I nodded and went outside of my room, here goes nothing.


Where are they?

"Karl Jacobs, would you take Angeline Herscotch to be your lovely wedded wife?" (A/N i don't know how this works don't blame me;/)

"I do.." Karl said, tensing up looking at Angeline, "Angeline Herscotch, would you take Karl Jacobs to be your lovely husband?"

Angeline paused for a bit, her nodding to Karl signaling she would do the move. "I don't." She said sternly, the people inside the church gasping and talking, Angeline looked to all the people looking at them.

"I'm sorry pastor, but you'll understand later" She smiled, running away outside, half of the people chasing her, "Like Angeline said, you'll understand later" i saluted and ran with her.

While running for a bit, i saw them in the backyard, Angeline hugging Kayla, i ran to Nick and Alex as they took my hands, melting in the moment.

"Karl don't cry!" Nick chuckled as he sniffled and wiped his tears away, Karl didn't notice himself crying, but he wanted to stay at his boyfriend's touch.


After 4 minutes of discussion they had in the backyard, Kalem noticed someone walking towards them, "uhhh, guys i think we have to deal with something.."



I heard someone yelled at my name, very very familiar voice, mom.

"Karl what is this! You- you ruined the day!"

"Mom, i had enough of this, either way that you don't support me or even respect me, i had care for you! But you don't care for me! Your own son!" Karl got pissed then right after people, relatives came to see the scene

"Right, you forced MY mom to agree on this so if they won't you will kick them out of your company! Such a jerk" Angeline blurted out, Kalem held a laugh from the last bit.

"Well that is true! I did force them to this marriage! The Herscotch company is a rich company you'll ever meet, and by the time you are married, you'll get to position as the CEO-"

"We've had enough of this, let your son do his shit ma'am"

"And for some reason we are getting him away from you for your son's own good" Nick and Alex hissed as they dragged me away, Kayla, Angeline and Kalem walking with us afterwards.

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