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Hi.. hello..

So I'm back with all of the chapters- i mean all, if you havent read the other books that continues this book.. well ig read it? idk

Butttt if you already read it its fine you dont have to read it again! Its for the new people who clicked here and is still here reading my forewords:))

- this story might contain;

Sensitive topics
Breaking down
Swearing(? I dont even remember-)

Characters are mainly Quackity (Alex), Sapnap (Nick) and Karl. Enjoy m8^^


Hello! I just wanna say thank you for supporting Words Can Express!, it means alot to me. So now i am feeding you the last karlnapity I'm gonna make.. i think. No promises.

So uhh- if there's any typo please tell me:) i want my stories well-written since..- i want to. If you have any questions from the story,

The QnA section is here:]] >>>>>>>

So back in the story, i hope you like it! Liz is out!


After Karl broke up with Alex and Nick were so desperate about it. They do understand why Karl broke up with them and they still accepted it though their love for Karl is still there. After Karl's family hit hard, they have planned something for Karl that may be for his own good. To get him married.

That's right, get him married. Karl couldn't believe it was happening, not a a good way but in a bad way. Karl didn't want to be married yet but Karl's parents was to deprived to it. They have planned a forced marriage with Angeline, his highschool crush. It was years ago though, Karl doesn't have choice but to follow to his parents so he wouldn't be yelled and threatened at.

While in the other hand Alex and Nick are still together, taking some time to re-adjust in their relationship since its just the two of them.

The part when they have to go home was emotional, but they still talk in phone and online. They haven't gotten online or somehow stream, they're friends and fans were worried but they just let them be offline for a bit. Kalem was also worried from the news Alex brought her, it was sad but they say 'Relationships aren't perfect'.

Thankfully Nick and Alex were okay from the break up, their mental health was okay somehow, not like other people who doesn't feed themsleves and just stare on the wall. Nick and Alex talks alot on being back to streaming and just forget about the things that happened last year. Yes, last year. They moved on though - kinda.

It was really hard for them but it's was fine after, but it was weird to them not talking to Karl.

Kalem and George is the only person Karl would talk about Nick and Alex, on how he missed them, and so badly wanted to talk to them. But there's no going back. Karl needed help from Kalem since she's close to Alex and Nick, she's the only way on how Kalem will help Karl.

By the days have passed it was already June 18, three days until the wedding, Karl was mixed anxious, scared, and frustrated by the time goes on.

The wedding is June 21st and Karl is not going to give up on planning to stop the wedding. Karl and Angeline talked about it, and they totally disagree on everything their parents made, they see themselves as friends now and they don't have some kind of connection they say, it's more like their relationship is platonic.

Kalem knew about this and she was in of stopping the wedding, even George! Ofcourse friends is there to help, but Nick and Alex still didn't know about it, Kalem always reassures Karl on telling them but Karl is too overwhelmed of everything is happening, he thought it was everything was going too fast.


Update: 12/08/21
I edited other parts bc i didn't proofread it XD
Not great at this part but i hope you still understand what is happening - ig. I'm more interested in this than the original one ngl HAHA

But yes i have done it, see you on the chapter 1 mates!

👬 > this emoji just 😭😭- no😭


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