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*Not Edited*


"Rise and Shine bitch" Ethan practically screamed as he burst into Tessa's room door with two ladies behind him , she groaned when he opened the window curtains wide letting the sunlight in and it hit her face "five more minutes" she said pushing her face inside of the pillows she had gotten too drunk last night and she felt like death "unt unt your getting married in four hours in a half so get your ass up" 'married' ? "Oh fuck I'm am getting married today" she nearly screamed and jump up to quickly "fuck" her head was pounding and she felt as if she had to puke one of the women gave her crackers , strawberries and ginger ale to eat while they fix her hair

"Where's Aiden and Hunter" Tessa asked it was still early and neither of them was in bed still "Aiden was already gone , but Hunter left about ten minutes ago and the pups are with Alex" she nodded then frowned she had hopped she would wake up with one of them at least .

Hours later Tessa had slipped into her big wedding dress ,Ethan wiped under her eyes as tears came from them "Aiden wanted me to give you this" Breah said while she pulled out a blue and gold crown out of a white bag , it was perfect the crown was something that Aiden hoped would be in the family for a while , Breah walked over to Tessa and put it on her head and they both just stared at her through the mirror "your so beautiful" Maia told her and she blushed then hugged all of them "thank you all for this" .

Damien stood at the doorway waiting for Tessa to come out "he isn't here yet" Rocky whispered too him "who isn't here yet" Damien asked and Rocky sighed "Aiden isn't here yet" Damien growled lowly how the fuck was someone late to their own wedding and what the fuck was he doing and where the fuck was he at "did you try mind-" "he blocked us out" Rocky told him and Damien started pacing the floor "okay don't tell her that he isn't here yet just tell them keep her distracted" Aiden was already fifteen minutes late and everyone was started to notice

"I swear if he isn't here in the next five minutes it's going to be a fucking problem" Kolton said as he tried to dial Aiden's phone number , Hunter walked off the alter he had been standing there for a while "is he backing out" Tessa asked as she walked into the small hall with tears in her eyes ,Hunter wasn't supposed to see her but he rushed too her "He's not backing out baby" he told her as he dabbed her eyes so that her light makeup wouldn't smug

Aiden walked into the place with his tux and shoes in hand "where the fuck were you" Hunter yelled at him shoving him back "I had to fucking fix problems did any of you see the video huh" he asked shoving his phone in there faces only Da'Vinchi , Cade , Hunter and Aiden saw it but no one else in the family did "what the fuck" Damien growled lowly as he handed Kolt the phone "I'm late cause i had -had to have a meeting about that , a deal had got canceled because of that" Aiden wasn't pissed at the fact that she danced he was pissed at the fact that it went viral , that meant everyone had saw his mates body he even had to fire too women who worked for them because they called Tessa a whore which was stupid because she was just having fun

"Hurry and get your asses on that alter before she cries again" Ethan said while nearing shoving the man away .


Aiden and Hunter stood at the alter as the music started playing Aiden couldn't believe the shit that Ethan put together the wedding was blue and fucking perfect he had to remind himself to reward Ethan for doing such a great job .

Aiden and Hunter smiled at their two little girls walking down the aisle happily throwing the blue followers down when they got to the alter they walked off to the side and

Both man watched as Tessa walked down the aisle with Damien slowly , Hunter couldn't believe how beautiful she looked , she looked beyond beautiful that he didn't even know how to describe her he could see her flushed skin as she blushed under the veil , Aiden tried so desperately to hide the tear that fell from his eyes Tessa looked so much magnificent the blue dress she had on made her look like the queen that she was from where he was standing he could see the few tears that fell from her eyes as she watched both of her soon to be husband's waiting for her

When she stood in front of them Damien kissed her forehead and put one of her hands inside of Aiden's and the other inside of Hunter's , the music slowly died down but continued quietly "Welcome all of you , who have come to share in this important moment in the lives of Tessa , Hunter and Aiden , I ask you to join together in celebrating , acknowledging , and honoring this day and the vows that they will be saying , by your presence , you witness and affirm the truth of their love and commitment to each other" Aiden squeezed Tessa's hand she was nervous as ever and they could tell "well let's get straight to it because that's how their relationship is"the priest said with a small smile making everyone chuckled

"I, Aiden Mikaelsson , Hunter Mortee take you Tessa De'Rosa to be our wife to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part" both man said as they tag teamed their vows , nobody missed the way their voices cracked as they said their vows Tessa smiled more as tears streamed down her face like a mini water fall the two man watched as she said her vows happily

"I, Tessa De'Rosa take you two , Aiden , Hunter Mikaelsson, to be my husbands, my friend, my faithful partners and my love from this day forward. In the presence our family and friends, I offer you two my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you two unconditionally and equally, to support your in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we all shall live.

I Hunter , Aiden Mikaelsson , take you Tessa De'Rosa to be our wife, and partner in life and our one true love. We will cherish our union and love you more each day than we did the day before. We will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you our hand, our hearts, and our love, from this day forward for as long as we all shall live".

"The rings" the priest announced and Tessa smiled at Noah and Kolt as they both came up with the rings she blew them a kiss and Noah did it back running back to their seats , after they got the rings Hunter cleared his throat when the priest motioned for him to go first "We , Hunter , Aiden give you Tessa this ring as an eternal symbol of our love and commitment to you" Hunter slipped the ring on and Tessa did the same too both of them "by the power infested in me by the state of Italy I now pronounce you Husbands and wife and may now kiss the bride" Hunter pulled Tessa too him and gave her a short but passionate kiss they pulled back and Aiden tugged her to his chest and connected their lips.

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