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"Can i go to the mall" i asked Jax he shrugged and continue to scroll through his phone "you have to take a guard though" i huffed then nodded .

When i got to the front door i asked Jay can he go to the mall with me , he's only nineteen so i thought it would be fun .

We've been at the mall for two hours now and I'm currently walking into Victoria's Secret jay stopped the door i knew he didn't want to come in so i just handed him my bags and he stood at the door

As soon as i walked in i saw a boy and a girl together smiling at me when i waved the boy squealed i gave him a small smile then continue to look for perfumes and underwear i picked up four different black pairs and six perfumes i was kind of just buying perfume because i barley wear it but whatever

I got to the counter and the lady rung up my things "that'll be one hundred fifty two dollars and fifty four cents" i gave her my card then i was done

"Um excuse me" i turned around to see the same boy and girl "huh" "are you Tessa De'Rosa" i nodded "do i know you two" they shook their heads "we just wanted a picture" the girl asked and i raised a brow "how do you know me and why" i asked this was very confusing they guy pulled out a paper from his back pocket then handed it to me

I opened it and gasp "how did you get this" i asked them it was a picture of Aiden Carrying me bridal style to his car and his lips was kissing my forehead my eyes was wide "okay so tell me are you and Aiden Mikaelson dating"

We've kissed and he gave me a hickey before but does that means we're together? "I can't say" i told them and the girl rolled her eyes "mmmhm we know the truth" i chuckled "i was just going to get lunch do you guys want to join" they nodded .

Here we were i was sitting at McDonald's with Emma and Ethan my phone kept ringing i groaned then looked down at my phone

Damien💙: Get home now.

"What's wrong" Ethan asked "i have to go home" i told them then i had an idea "do you two possibly want to come over" i asked them it would be really fun to have friends since i don't have any "yeah sure"


As soon as i got through the door my brother's was greeting us "it does not take that long to get things from the mall" Jax stated "and who is them" Kolt asked . I led them to the living room "whoa you guys are loaded" Emma stated and i shrugged "my brother's are not me" i told them "if your brother's have it you do" Ethan stated i shook my head at him "that's not how it works" i told them "and damn your brother's are hot as fuck and i dont even like guys" Emma said and we laughed "that's a bummer" Alex said as the assholes walked into the living room

"Whatever your name is we need to talk" Damien told Ethan i shook my head "you don't have to worry Damien he's gay" he nodded but still made Ethan leave out of the room


"What's a lion shifter doing around here" Damien asked Ethan , the moment he stepped through the door we smelt him"I don't belong to any pack it's just me" we nodded "don't tell Tessa" Kolton asked him "why because you guys are vampires and wolves and you" he pointed to Damien "are a hybrid" "i said keep your mouth shut or I'll do it for you" Damien said and he chuckled

Tough kid i thought , "No need for threats i won't tell her but i will soon she's my friend and i don't want to hide anything like this from her" Damien agreed with him then told us that we should let her know what we are soon but not now.



"Thank you guys for coming" i told Ethan and Emma as we bid our goodbyes "it's no problem oh don't forget Friday" she winked and i closed the door "what's Friday" Alex asked me "um they were suppose to come over friday" he eyed me then nodded

I let out a breath i didn't know i was holding , Friday we were suppose to sneak out to a Club that Emma suggested she even knows someone who makes fake i.ds i was excited because i never really go anywhere well places like that at least

"Dinner is ready" Jax said as he ruffled my hair then ran into the dinning room i chuckled then sat next to him in the middle "why do you guys always sit like that" i asked them "like what" Alex said "Damien is always at the head of the table then Kolt next to him on the right then Brent on the left then in the third seat Is Jax then Alex and me at the end" i watched as Damien's body went tense

"Tessie there's thing's you don't know about us but soon you can know" Jaxon stated and i raised a brow "what is it because at this point it feels like you guys are excluding me" i told them I've been feeling this way for a month now everything that they do they do together and just because I'm the only girl i have to just sit back

"We're not excluding you" Kolton stated and i scoffed "yes you all are , everything you guys do yall do together , you all even work together why can't i work with you is it because I'm a girl" i asked as tears started to burn my eyes

I didn't want to be sensitive i just want to do the things they do and be with them and not feel excluded "Tessa that's not what were doing , you can't work with us because your too young and that type of business isn't for you and if you feel excluded you could've just said that and we would have made more time for you" Damien stated and i half laughed "Alex is only two years older then me how is that even fair" i asked them as i sat my fork down

"Alex is a guy and will be twenty in a couple of month's " Brent stated and i stood up "okay fine you all can keep excluding me" "Sit down" Damien voice boomed across the room making me freeze right in my spot "Tessa i said sit back down" i glared at him then stomped back to the chair

When i sat down i slouched down and mentally smirked and Damien got more pissed "I'm not playing sit down right and eat" i sighed then started eating

I stuffed the spaghetti in my mouth making sure i get a fork full and started eating like i was a dog , i was irritated and it's not because of my period .

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