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I pecked Hunter's lips as he exited the kitchen laughing at me "baby don't walk away from me" i groaned as he kept walking ignoring me i followed behind him and vampires sped to him picking him up from behind i threw him onto our bed and hovered over his body "don't ever tease me" i told him as i kissed down his well built body making him moan .

After our sex session i walked down the hall and just as i was about to pass the twins door i heard a 'i think he likes me too' from Nova i raised a brow but stood by the door to listen "how do you know" Nora asked her and i growled lowly the thought of them talking about boys pissed me off their only four for fucks sake "at the pack house he winked at me but Noah growled at him and said he'd beat him up if he looks at me again" i silently praised my little pup for protecting his sisters

I walked into their rooms to see them sitting on the bed with snacks and their legs folded "hi daddy" Nora smiled at me but when she saw my facial expression she stopped smiling "i was hoping that i wouldn't have to talk to you two about this since your so damn young but boys is off limits your only four and not ready for anything enjoy life don't be so in a rush to have a boy friend or whatever and about this kid at the pack house who's he" i asked with a tilted head Nora tensed then sighed

"Milton , uncle Cade's mate son" i held back a growl i had already told the little shit to stay away from my pups , during the Christmas party he was staring at Nova licking his lips the whole time and eyeing her "No boys at all understand" i told them and they nodded i walked out of the room and into the living room to see Rocky and Noah there , Noah was playing inside of his hair while Rocky purrs i chuckled

"Noah we need to talk" i told him he nodded then climbed into Rocky's lap and facing me "when you guys go to the pack house i want you to keep an eye out for Milton i heard he likes Nova and she seems to like him too" he growled loudly and puffing out his chest "i had told him to stay away from her if he does again do i have permission to beat him up" i nodded smiling at my overprotective pup

****** ROCKY's POV

I flipped Noah over in his wolf form careful not to fall on him Nevi my wolf growled playfully as he nipped the little pups backside the pup jumped up licking our snout

Give me control i asked Nevi

All he did was push me further in the back of our head i watched as he circled our pup and started to lick his body it made me feel uneasy at the fact that he had control and it was up to him rather he gives it back

Our pup yelped as my wolf bit his gland then started to lick i fucking pray that he does not mark the young pup i could feel my wolfs arousal and that made me more paranoid that he was already horny and even thinking about doing the dirty to our pup

Noah's wolf glanced up at us once my wolf turned him on his back and started to lick at his penis

Fucking stop i growled out to the front of our mind

This is my pup too you can't just have him all too yourself Nevi growled back then blocked me out

Our pup whined at the rough licking and nipping , Noah shifted into his human form naked as day intentionally making the situation worse he stared up at us with a raised brow "Rocky i thought you said we're not allowed to touch each other's privates" he asked and Nevi tilted his head to the side while i wanted to tell our pup that it wasn't me who had touched him and that it was Nevi


Nevi (Rocky's wolf) had shifted to their human form but he still didn't give Rocky back control which the man hated "it's Nevi not Rocky puppy" Noah's eyes widen at the deeper voice and it made him shiver while the man only smirked at his affect on the young pup

"Why didn't you give Rocky back control" Noah asked and the wolf growled loudly making Noah flinch and back up so that there was distance between them "he doesn't share you with me like he's suppose to and he doesn't understand that your my pup too maybe even more" Noah sighed "how about we spend the rest of the day together then at midnight you give Rocky back control"

The wolf Agreed and gently picked up the pup and pecked his lips Noah gasps when the older mans tongue went inside of his mouth

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