*The Broken Little Brother *

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Da'Vinchi's POV

I sighed in relief as i stepped out of the college building we was officially on Christmas break and thank god i didn't have to go to any classes for a couple of days i hated school work but Damien made sure i went to college especially because he had started letting me inside of the family business "Yo Vinchi" Eric my friend yelled i stopped and turned to him "are you guys still having a Christmas party" he asked and i nodded "yeah my brother Kolton is sending out the invitations i'll make sure he send you one"


After i stopped talking to Eric i jumped inside of my car and drove off i did seventy up the Main Street until a police car got behind me "are you fucking serious" i groaned but continued to drive i was thinking rather to pull over or keep going i was really fucking tired and didn't feel like going into a nasty ass jail cell "pull over" i heard i sighed then did so the same officer that's always watching me walked to my car

"Step out" i did so with a smirk thinking about rather i should kill him he started to literally force me into the back of his car "can i at least make a call" "fuck no" he said

Damien i got pulled over and probably going to a holding station i mind linked

Let me know which one when you get there and we're talking later he responded and i sighed .


I've been in this holding cell for thirty minutes and i was already ready to puke it smells like a dirty men and piss "you could've put me in a better cell" i told the idiot officer that walked passed me he chuckled then raised the key to my cuffs up "sit your rich ass there inside of that filth" i held back a growl as i watched him walk out laughing

I broke the handcuffs "please come get me out of this shit hole" i asked Aiden through mind link he immediately responded with asking me the address and said that he would be on the way.

"What did you do this time" Aiden asked as i sat in the passenger seat of his car i sighed "i didn't do shit this time" he scoffed and i glared at him then chuckled "okay i did seventy up the main street but the asshole could've just gave me a ticket" he shook his head "Vinchi your about to be nineteen so you should know that you need to chill because it draws unwanted attention to the business especially because it seems like the asshole has been watchin you alot from what i heard , plus he already knows too much especially since he asked you about the mafia so your choices here is A- make him disappear or B-get him fired from his job but knowing you - you would go to A"

I nodded then patted his shoulder "well at least you know me enough to know the answer" he chuckled "your mate will have her hands full with your hot headed ass" .

"Vinchi this is the fifth fucking time" Kolton yelled and i sighed then passed fifty dollars to Aiden before we got here we made a bet about which brother would yell at me first and he fucking won "Kolt i didn't do shit this time except do seventy up the street i was tired" he scoffed "now what if he would've checked your car huh I'm pretty sure you got your gun in that holder, he would've been able to lock you up for gun charges"

I really didn't fucking think about that honestly "but the asshole didn't check it so I'm fine" i told him he shook his head "you have the mind of a fucking kid damn i feel sorry for your mate" i growled at him "fuck you Kolt"


"Why would you say that to him" Jax asked as he frowned at his brother that was harsh and he shouldnt have said that , Kolton sighed and ran his hands through his already messed up hair "i didn't mean to say that" .


Tessa opened the door to see Vinchi standing on her porch in the rain she quickly pulled him in "you'll get a cold" he shrugged and when she saw his expression she pulled him into a hug not caring about the wet clothes "what's wrong" she asked as they sat on the couch he sighed "it feels so weird talking to you about how i feel" she chuckled then he laid his head on her shoulders "I feel so empty Tessie I'm about to be nineteen and still haven't found my mate , but i guess that's a good thing because my life is a mess fuck I'm a mess i can't even get this little brother role right Kolt said he feels sorry for my mate and hell maybe i do too"

"Kolts an asshole for saying that and trust me he's going to hear from me but that empty feeling your feeling will go away soon goddess does things for a reason and your still a teen Vinchi your going to fuck up , your going to make mistakes but none of that is going to matter because what would this world be with a lot of perfect motherfuckers walking around and nobody's life is perfect everybody life is fucked up in some aspects you just have to make the most of it" he nodded then hugged her tighter .


After Vinchi fell asleep Tessa told Hunter that she was going to visit her brother's.

After thirty minutes she arrived with a cold glare "where's Kolton" she asked Alex who was sitting on the couch he chuckled already knowing what was about to happen "kitchen" she started to walk towards it and Alex followed behind her and when she got to the kitchen the rest of her brother's was there cleaning their guns .

"You asshole" she yelled as she stormed around the counter and landed a hard slap to Kolton's cheek making his face jerk to the right "what the fuck Tessie" he yelled and she shrugged "why would you tell him you feel sorry for his mate huh what kind of bullshit is that you don't know how that shit made him feel or what he was already feeling and your just going to throw that in his face" the kitchen was quiet as they looked at the angry 'mama bear' "i didn't mean to say that" Kolton told her and she scoffed "don't tell me that tell our broken little brother that" she looked around the kitchen and gave her other brother's a smile "goodnight" .

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