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KOLT in the picture above ^



The three happy pups woke everyone inside of the house up , they couldn't wait to open up their gifts Hunter chuckled at their happiness and went into the kitchen "we have to get some food inside of your mouths first" he told the excited pups .

Everyone sat eating breakfast while the three pups nearly scarfed down their food "done" they all said in union and ran into the living room where the tree was , everyone sat around the Tree "me first" Noah said walking to the tree picking up a box he handed it to Rocky and the man opened it , it was a Rolex with Noah's initials and his ,  Rocky pulled him into a hug and when they pulled back the pup pecked his lips 'My turn' Jax said as he picked up a long box from the tree he walked over to Damien and handed it to him

He opened it and pulled out a long sword the three pups gasps at the 'large knife' "where the hell did you get it I've been searching for one of these for years now" Damien asked his brother and Jaxon chuckled Damien had been wanting one of these and Jaxon went all the way to japan just to get it "i had a friend in japan who just so happens to owe me a favor" they bro hugged while everyone watched the scene in awe Next was Aiden he handed tickets to his small family "i have to go back to America to check on things but after i wanted stay for a family vacation"

The they all hugged him excited about their first family trip .

Alex stood up excitedly with a smirk on his face he grabbed a small black bookbag and gave it to Noah the young pup opened it and gasps at the shiny black gun 'whaoaa' he said but Hunter was quick to take it from the boys hand "what the fuck Alex" Alex shrugged then sat back "he's going to be the don very soon with his age changing so he will eventually have one" Noah raised his brow confused 'how will i be a mafia don' he asked the young boy already knew what a  'don' does and what it means but he was trying to figure out how he'd be one

'That's a discussion for a different day' Aiden stated , Davinchi stood up and grabbed seven boxes and passed it out to the women and nick,Nickolas and Romeo they all gasps it was matching diamonds bracelets and they all matched to one another , he gently put it on Maia's wrist then pecked her cheeks making the girl blush she didn't think he would give her a gift especially one so expensive she never really had much so she owe him a big thank you .

Damien stood up and gave Tessa a very heavy box she opened it and gasps as tears threatened to fall down her face , it was a old pictures of all of them when they were younger it was on a 3d ball and it looked clear as day "i thought i lost this" she squeaked as she hugged him tightly , back when they were younger she use to take lots of pictures of them but their house ended up getting burnt down and they lost everything including memories

They pulled apart from the hug and he turned to Breah giving her a large box she pulled a cover out that had his face on it making her chuckle and peck his lips then she pulled out a watch and necklace that had his initials and his face on it she shook her head 'staking your claim huh' he nodded then chuckled pecking her lips

"Tess could you close to pups eyes' Ethan asked and she raised a brow but walked over to the pups and did so he grabbed a red box that had a pink bow made out of panties on it , Aiden immediately knew where it came from and what was inside , he walked over to Romeo and handed it to the boy Romeo opened it and gasps quickly shutting the box 'you thought you ate' he asked Ethan who stood back smirking making Brent growl at him

'Whats inside' Nick asked and Romeo sighed pulling out the handcuffs and dildo making the grown up burst out laughing before they could open more presents there was a knock at the door 'i got it' Nickolas said as he walked to the door and opened it 'um who are you' he asked the women who had a little boy standing beside her 'I'm here for Kolton' Kolton immediately tensed and stood up as the women walked into the house with a young boy 'what are you doing here' he asked her as he glanced back at Everyone

The women through papers inside his face before storming off without the boy Kolton immediately started reading the papers

NAME: Kolt De'Rosa
AGE: Three
DOB: 6/15/19
SSN: 209-716-4951
MOTHER: Elizabeth Marino
FATHER: Kolton De'Rosa
ADDRESS: 710 Bringfield
RACE: Italian/American

He flipped the page seeing a dna test that confirmed that the boy was his he slammed the papers on the table before rushing out after the women he gripped her arm as she tried to step into her car 'why the fuck didn't i know about this three years ago and where the fuck are you going' he yelled at her as he gripped her arm tighter she hissed then pushed him off of her

"I can't take care of a kid Kolton I'm not the motherly type plus i don't want a spoiled brat as my son he acts like a little bitch" without meaning to he slapped her across the face and gripped her shirt 'watch your fucking mouth' he growled out and Damien walked to him pushing him off of the women 'keep your hands to yourself' he told his brother then he turned to the women

"So your just leaving him with him forever" he asked  Elizabeth and she nodded 'i don't want him' she said simply like he was nothing "leave but don't ever come back next time i see you I'd make it my issue to end your life" he grabbed Kolton and they walked back into the house Kolton punched the wall scaring all the pups "fuck" he stood with his head on the wall for a couple of minutes until he was calm he turned to the pup who thankfully had just come back into the living room

He leaned down and looked at the boy to see he looked exactly like himself "are you my daddy" the pup asked and Kolton nodded with a small smile 'mommy's not coming back is she' he shook his head 'no she's not pup , I'm sorry'

The boy sighed and rubbed his eyes "do you promise you won't leave me" Kolton gulped the pulled the boy into a hug "i promise on my last breath that i wont" the boy nodded then pulled back from the hug "who is the big scary man behind you" Kolt asked Kolton making everyone chuckle "he's Damien your uncle" .

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