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"Hunter, Aiden" i yelled as i woke up from a cold hard floor , my throat was dry and my hands were bleeding nonstop when i looked down their was big shackles on my feet , i squinted my eyes so that i could see if i could find anything but i couldn't everything pitch black to the point where i barely could see my hands

"Mommy" i heard a whining voice i glanced around the room to still see nothing at all "mommy help" came the voice again i thought it was all in my head that i must have been going crazy "i don't even have kids" i said with a scoff then out of nowhere a little boy with brown hair and brown eyes walked closer to me he looked exactly like Aiden "mommy help" a little girl asked and i couldn't believe my eyes she was split imagine of Hunter with the dirty blond hair and hazel eyes even the nose

"Help with what" i asked them "dad and daddy needs help" i looked down at my ankles "but i can't get out" i told them and the little girl pulled them off of me quickly she must really be strong "mommy hurry" when i was on my feet i nearly fell back down my ankles was sore and aching but i kept running

We entered a very larger room and i covered my mouth to stop the screams that was coming Aiden was hung with his eyes cut out while blood dripped from them while Hunter had a big hole in his body i looked around the room to try to find the two children but they were gone "they could've been alive if you wouldn't have kept putting them in danger" a man in the shadows said with a evil chuckle while i continued to sob "all you had to do was get them to change you and you could've been faster , stronger and maybe smarter , but i guess your not smart at all since you didn't figure out that you'll be their down fall"

Then he disappeared


"Tess-fuck Tess wake up baby" Aiden said as he shook Tessa harder tears fell from her eyes as she screamed Hunter and Aiden's name , he couldn't get her to stop thrashing around ,Hunter came back with a little water and poured it on her she quickly leaned up with tears in her eyes but when she saw the two man she quickly jumped into their arms "i-i-thought-you were dead" she whispered as she started to feel all over their bodies

"yo-you-w-w-were" Hunter pulled her to his chest tighter and started to stroke hair "were here and not going anywhere i promise" he said her as she silently cried "who is Noah and Nora" Tessa asked as she stopped crying Hunter and Aiden looked at her confusingly they didn't know anyone by that name "where did you get that from" Aiden asked her because one time in his dream he thought about someone by those same names but he was just confused as her

"Tell us about the dream please" Aiden asked her and she sighed as she started to tell them everything that had happened to how she woke up to how she saw them and the fact that the two children that looked exactly like the both of them were gone "fuck" Aiden mumbled as he ran his hands through his brown hair .

After they had put Tessa back to sleep they called Damien and Kolton and explained to them what happened "from what you two are telling me i take it as she would have babies and name them Noah and Nora and they would get taken away and you two would probably be dead" he stated and Aiden nodded as he threw his head back on the couch "so-so we'd die" Hunter asked and Kolton shrugged

"The future that we see isn't always going to be the way we see it , so we just have to wait" Damien said , he had - had a day dream about the two children too he just didn't know if it was going to be real or not "how long" Hunter asked as he gulped "five months from now" Aiden told him and he nodded , he only had five more months with his mate , how come she would get left with nothing, how did she get delta with such a bad hand when she brings nothing but happiness into this world and how come she would end up alone .

"Don't think like that" Aiden told Hunter as he pulled him into a hug and ran his hands through his hair to calm him down "we won't die i'll just keep sleeping and checking her future to see if anything changes" Hunter only nodded and tried so desperately to stop the whimpers that left his throat but the thought of him and Aiden dying and their kids disappearing had his heart clenching and him full on crying he didn't want to leave her alone

She would be so heartbroken , so devastated , so fucking lonely until she wouldn't be able to take it , she would have to feel every thing once they die and Hunter couldn't stomach that .

Aiden couldn't help the tears that came from his eyes he thought he would live forever and ever but he guessed the goddess had other plans for him , this path wasn't suppose to be for her , he once before didn't give a shit about his life and how long he lived but Tessa made him want to live forever just to be with her

By the time Aiden looked down Hunter was already asleep his forehead had lines on it while tears were dried on his face , he picked him up and carried him to the room and laid him in bed along side Tessa "i promise i will fix it" he promised before he kissed both of their heads and laid on the other side of Tessa so that she was in the middle.

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