🤍Part 11🤍

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"Guys. Team meeting now." Tony's voice came over the speakers. Everyone was in their rooms relaxing on a Saturday evening when Tony got a call that the Swedish group was planning to go to war with the people that gave them their weapons.
"But that's just counterproductive. They're fighting them because they haven't given them weapons but they need them to get the weapons. They kill them, they don't get weapons." Y/N tilted her head.
"Because of our involvement they aren't getting the weapons so they think they're holding out on them. And ever since Y/N's little scrap with the boss their patience are shot." Tony said and pulled out paper, handing them out to Steve, Bucky, Natasha and Clint.

"On the papers are coordinates. That's where the fight will be held. There is a town right in the middle of it so, we need to go there and stop it before they hurt people in the process."
"Steve, you, Bucky, Sam, Y/N and Wanda will go tomorrow. Wanda will do her little wiggly woos and tell them all to leave. The rest of you will help guide them out. Nat, you and the rest of us will go the next day, the day before of the fight."
Everyone nodded and were dismissed, going to pack and get ready for bed.

The next morning Steve's group left bright and early to arrive at the town. Once they arrived Wanda got to work, he red power stretched throughout the buildings and out came multiple people. Steve, Bucky, Sam and Y/N all guided them out of the town so somewhere safe. There was another small town just south of theirs and that's where they were headed.
"Sam is everything going smooth?" Steve asked over coms. Sam flew above the people to make sure no one turned back.
"Everything's fine here. Nothing happening so far."
Steve nodded and went back to helping people.

Y/N was talking to a family of three when she heard shouting, glancing to her right she saw Bucky trying to calm a very agitated man. She walked over and separated them with the help of Steve.
"Woah! What's going on here?" She asked with her hand on Bucky's chest.
"Wandas powers stopped working for a second and he flipped out. He says we can't take him out of his home and that we're the bad guys!" Bucky huffed and furrowed his eyebrows. Y/N turned to the man who was now yelling and pushing Steve.
"Hey! Look, we're trying to help you sir. There are people coming here, bad people and if you don't leave you could get hurt. Do you understand?" She stepped in front of him trying to explain the situation, the man screamed back at her.

Y/N sighed and went to get the paper stating the reason they were there, as she reached in her pocket the man grabbed her wrist. She grabbed his hand and twisted it to disable his attack but he turned and punched her clean in the face, fracturing her nose. Bucky lost it and grabbed his collar pushing him off of her. Stumbling back she looked at the man with wide eyes and wiped the blood off of her nose.
"James! Stop!" Y/N yelled as he clutched into the mans shirt. He pushed him away and stepped back.
"Sir, please you need to go, now. Think about your family." Steve said and pointed to the frightened kids. The man was reluctant but he grabbed his bags and stomped off.
"Are you okay?" Bucky asked looking at her face that was red.
"Fine. Let's just finish this." She pulled her face away and they got back to getting the last group out.

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