🤍Part 4🤍

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-Present Day-
Y/N hopped out of the car and grabbed her bags, walking into the compound and closing the doors behind her.
"Hello Ms. Y/N. Welcome back." F.R.I.D.A.Y greeted her as she walked through the hall.
"Hey Friday! Where's the team?"
She nodded and set her bags down in the hall, following the commotion she waltzed into the kitchen and leaned on the counter.

"Hey bitches!" She smiled.
"Y/N!!" Natasha and Sam jumped out of their seats and ran to her hugging her tight. She sucked in a breath and pulled back.
"Broken rib."
They apologized and sat back down, allowing the two super soldier's to greet their friend.
"Hey Stevie!" She reached up and hugged him.
"Hey Y/N, how are you?"
"Been worse." She joked and hugged Bucky.
"Missed you Doll." He pulled back and cupped her face, examining her for cuts.
"Your face." He brushed over a cut on her forehead and looked at her.
"I'm fine Buck." She smiled and pulled back.
"I'm gonna go unpack and shower. Be back soon." She left and grabbed her bags, marching to her room and opening the door.

Later that night Steve came in to check on her before bed.
"Y/N?" He knocked and waited for her to answer.
"Come in!" She shouted and he walked in. He took a seat next to her on the bed.
"How are you feeling?"
"Better. Almost fully healed, I'd say by the morning I should be good." She shrugged and laid back against her headboard. He gave her a sad look and she pointed her finger at him.
"Don't Rogers. I'm fine." He chuckled and put his hands up.

Steve knew how hard it was for Y/N when she was healing for a long time and the pain that came from it, when they first came to the compound she would only confide in him with her sadness and frustration about her power. She would cry and he would comfort her, making sure to tell her that she is just as strong as him when she puts her mind to it, he would tell her all these helpful things and before you knew it she was all better and back to her sassy self.

"I just worry Y/N." He chuckled and stood up.
"I'll leave you be. Buck will probably be in later so you'll see him." He said good night and left the room. Y/N pulled out a book from the bedside table and began reading, waiting for Bucky to make an appearance during the night. It was 1AM and she decided to put her book away to finally go to sleep, just as she turned off her lamp the door to her room opened and Bucky walked in, getting into her bed he grabbed her waist and pulled her into his chest. She wiggled to get comfortable and they both fell asleep.

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