Chapter Nine: Trapped Again

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August's POV...
A month later....

I crept down the stairs and into the kitchen. It was night time and everyone was sleep as I hope.

I spent weeks learnin how to read so I know how to get to this William plantation. I looked through Danbury's maps and kept it in my mind. I could see it in my sleep if I could. Since Julie's been gone. I've been havin those dreams again. It's alwayst the same. Me being ripped apart by dogs just like they did my friend Jace. When I could sleep with Julie in my arms I didn't have them. Jackson keeps me up half the night with his ramblin for the mos' part so I don't sleep often.

I need to get my woman back. I made sure to grab any important papers on myself and Julie from Danbury's.

I stepped into the kitchen and opened the latch in the floor to the ice box. I grabbed a raw steak and closed everythin back slowly.

I left the room again and tip toed out. I moved through the house till I made it to one of dem rooms for the guest. I couldn't use the front door I would have no way to get back in. I opened the window slowly with one hand and hopped out. I closed it back and walked through the dark night. I had 5 nickels and that would last for a small while.

I held the cold meat in my hand waitin to hear that familiar growl.

I walked slowly and grew nervous hopin that the dog wasn't trynna get me.

She oddly named the poor mut nigger. He walks around waitin to bite anything he see's. The new overseer be telling the dog "to sick" or something. 

He almost ripped Columbus's throat out, if January hadn't pulled the damn thing off of him. Bit me in the ass first day it was here. Nearly shit myself.

I whistled lowly and waited for a noise.

That familiar sounds of chains draggin filled my ears. I turned slowly and saw him standin in the moon light, making a growlin noise. Fog came from his nose as he breathed.

He walked slowly towards me low to the ground. I stood with the steak a head of me so I could drop it quickly.

"C'mon get me nigger". I whispered just enough for him to hear me.

He bowed down and lunged at me. I stepped back and tossed the steak in the air. He jumped up and caught it.

I ran like hell. I saw the gate and ran for it. I made sure to run against the house so no one would see me.

Ruby left the gate open for me like planned, once she came back to from the sto' for Dianna. Ruby told me when I got Julie to make sure we aren't followed back. So kissed my forehead just incase I couldn't make the trip back here. She told me to tell Julie that she loves her. I pray to God we will.

I figured that deranged animal wouldn't be distracted for long. I heard his feet smack against the red Georgia clay as he ran behind me. It just rained this mornin makin the ground slick. I stumbled forward trying to catch my weight.

I  kept goin.

Please God let me make it out this fence.

The hard wind blew and the gate swung open as if he granted me my prayer instantly. I slid right on out and closed it quickly.

Nigger slammed right into it and ran along side the fence as I ran down the rock covered road. Till he couldn't chase me no mo'.

A smile spread on my face as I had made it out without getting ripped apart.

It was darker than Dianna's soul out here but the moon was guiding me right along.

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