Chapter three: the whipping tree

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August's POV

I couldn't sleep. I really don't know how. Its been that way for a long time. I lived in new York as long as my mind can take me. I still never had a name. People would just say "aye boy" or "hey you" when they wanted to exchange words with me. I fixed things to survive. I fixed broken wagons, torn clothing, hats, and broken instruments. That's where I learned to play the vilion. A man came into town selling things from the back of his wagon. The violin fell out it's case and rolled off the back, the neck on it broke. The man said I could have it since it was declared useless. I repaired it and played around with it a bit. Once I had gotten the tune right the most beautiful sound came out. I called her Daisy, since she was bright yellow. She went everywhere I went and made me lots of money.

My 19th birthday came and a associate of mine made me a new bow. It was made from oak and the hairs from a fine white horse he raised on his farm. I was sitting outside the house I was staying in playing a song I made. A white man came down the road and asked me to play him a song. Thinking he was just being friendly I did as requested. He smiled at me and told me I was talented, whatever that means.

We exchanged words, next thing I know some other men hopped out from the back of his wagon and beat me so bad, death seemed to be my best friend. They took me against my will. They crushed the only thing I loved. They broke Daisy in pieces and tied me up. I never had a family and never kept friends, so I knew no one would mind if I was gone. They took me into the woods and chained me to some other guys. We walked for a long time.

I over heard then say we walked 918 miles. I don't know how much that is but I'm pretty sure it's not as bad as it sounds. Right?

I laid awake looking at Julie as she slept. She was gorgeous. Her skin glowed in the moon light from her window. She laid on her side facing me, her hair laid around her just adding to her beauty. I was tired but I refuse to sleep. I also have dreams of my father killing my mother I was only three. But I remember.

Those keep me up the most.

I watched Julie move in her sleep. She pulled her leg from under the blanket,  tossed her arm over her eyes and laid still again. Her legs were perfect but I noticed a long scar on her thigh. Like one from a whip. Who would possibly do that to such a woman as her.

"August must you stare?" She didn't even move her arm.

"How do you know if you didn't look at me?"

"I can feel you staring".

"I can't help it". She looked at me quickly hiding a smile.

"Go to sleep August" she looked at me through low eyes.

"Maybe I could, if I had a pretty lady laying in my arms". She huffed and pulled the covers over her head.

I was serious.

I got out my bed creeping over to hers slowly. I pulled the covers over and got in behind her.

She moved the covers down and looked at me.

"Why are you bothering me August?" 

"I was serious. I'll leave you be if you just let me have you in my arms". She cut her eyes at me tiredly.

"No. Now get back in your bed" she said lowly, fighting sleep. I felt her push me but it was no use.

I put my arms around her and she didn't push me away. This feeling came over me, that I never felt before. She moved closer to me and her light breathing relaxed me. I pulled her closer, she laid her head on my chest and I felt my heart skip. I took advantage of her being sleep and tightened my hold. I closed my eyes feeling safe for once in my life.

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