Chapter One: Julie

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Hello my name is Julie (on the cover).

I live here on Father Danbury's Farm on the south end of Georgia. I have long black curly hair that comes to my shoulders and dark skin as you'd say. I really don't know how tall I am, I'm shorter than most girls here, I know that much.

I'm well educated, Mr. Danbury teaches us how to read and write every Monday. I know all my numbers and letters and I know how to count all the way to 500! He teaches us cursive and how to count money, he thinks we'll need to know how to do all these things because slavery will end one day. I don't understand why but if he feels it in his heart then I believe it too.

I work inside the house and on the farm sometimes to pick cotton when one of the girls are ill. He treats us mighty nice. I've only been whipped once but that's another story for another time.

I was born 19 summers ago on July the fourth , that is where my name comes from. All of our names are like that. my good friends names are June and Autumn I love them dearly.

Father Danbury is the minister of the church in our town and we attend one Sunday every two months to learn the good word of God. It used to be every Sunday but His wife Dianna thinks it's gonna encourage bad behavior. I don't know what that means but what she says goes.

Its only 17 of us on the farm 9 girls 8 boys. Mr. Danbury hates odd numbers, that means he's taking me to an auction to get another boy this afternoon. This will be the third one I've been to. I hate going.

I was born on a plantation and never had to chained up but only once, but that's another story.

I'm Father Danbury's assistant, that means I do everything for him. I fetch his water, clean his dogs, feed his young son, bring him his food, and clean his room. I don't mind, I like being in the house and playing with his son. He's only three winters old and keeps a smile on my face. His wife does nothing, she just lays in bed all day eating.


There he goes calling me.

I grabbed the shiney cold tray and ran as quick as possible without spilling a thing. I ran up the long steps into his office. I took a breath and slid open the door with my foot.

"Yes sir, I'm here". He looked up from His bible and smiled at me.

"I snuck a little extra jelly for you sir. I know Mrs. Dianna would raise sin if she saw". He laughed and smiled wildly.

"That's why I love you Julie. You always treat me so well". Danbury was like a father to me, and i greatly appreciated him. I smiled and saw his son Jackson playing with his toys.

"Would you like me to take Jackson outside for some fresh air, sir?" He nodded as he took a sip from his lemonade.

"Yes he needs some sun, he's getting mighty pale don't you think?" I picked him up and he smiled at me.

"I think he could use some sun. Let's go Jackson" he grabbed my shirt with one hand and his toy in the other.

"Don't be out to long. Its only a quarter till two and we still have to go tot he auction".

"Yes sir".


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