Chapter Four: Repercussions

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August's POV

"Here August".

June handed me a glass of water and a new shirt. I took a sip but I'm not really thirsty or hungry. I slipped the orange cooton over my head and put my arms through slowly, being mindful of the sheeting beauty in my lap.

This morning I realized Julie was breathing, but it was very slow. A woman named Emerald had cleaned her up and bandaged Julie the best she could without getting caught with supplies.

I haven't moved from this spot. I will once Mr. Danbury returns.

Mrs. Dianna told me if I moved her any more she would shoot me where I stood. Good thing I'm sitting huh?

"Has she moved yet?" June covered her eyes from the sun, looking down at me in worry.

"Naw". I was beginning to think this was it for Julie.

Just as I thought that. Julie let out a ear piercing scream, holding her back.

"Ruby she's up!" June ran towards the main house as I held Jul close.

"Its okay". She was breathing heavy and crying. "It's okay".

I put her in my arms and stood. She was shaking in pain. She gripped my shirt with her trembling hands. She put face in my chest sobbing away.

I walked as fast as I could to the house without hurting Julie any further. Ruby, June, and Emerald met me at the bottom of the steps, we quickly made it to the third level to her room to fix her up.

I laid her gently on her bed. Ruby rolled her to her stomach and looked at a nervous June.

"Its bleeding pretty badly. Give me that alcohol please". Julie had her eyes closed silently crying. I couldn't bare to see her in pain like this.

"Julie I'm going to pour this on you, okay?" she nodded.

Emerald unscrewed the cap and tilted the bottle. I left the room and stood in the hall. I leaned up against the wall waiting for my heart to burst.

"Okay Julie" I heard a gasp and a loud cry that the world could hear. I was sick. If I could take the pain for her I most certainly would.

"Julie I'm almost finished sweety" she just cried and cried. I knew this was killing her. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"That bitch is alive?!" Mrs. Dianna tried to get in but I stopped her.

"Please Mrs. Dianna she won't do it again. I swear". She looked passed me and groaned.

"Shut her up or I'll come back up here to do more than just whip her" she stomped down the drop steps in anger.

I turned around to Emerald putting something on her back that looked like honey. The pain must have knocked her out, she had tear lines on her beautiful brown skin.  They sat her up and wrapped her chest and back up tightly. Her back was towards me and it had barely healed but it had stopped bleeding.

They took her skirt off and I grabbed her night clothes from the drawer. Ruby slipped the night gown over her and placed her in her bed.

"August take care of my baby please. We have to get back to work before Dianna gets crazy". They all looked at her one more time before leaving the room in a hurry.

I closed the door with the key in the door so it will lock. I closed the curtains and put my night clothes on. I pulled her covers back and put her under them. I got in after her laying her on my chest. I rubbed my fingers through her hair slowly feeling that familiar feeling in my heart.

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