Chapter 24- Five MCGs, Four Artifacts, Three Tasks

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The five of us were in a room with the other group of eight. Chelsea cast protection spells around the room, so Audrey had no chance of hurting us. Celia and Trinity really got along, which was a relief.

"Ben's missing, Audrey's gone bad, and Fairy Godmother's MIA," I explained. "Audrey's watching us wherever we go. Her whole reason for going bad is because Mal supposedly ruined her life."

"She was always whining about it," Blanche reasoned.

"We need to find Ben," I stated. "Ben has the Enchantress's magic in his blood, and he's a valid part of this. There's a reason there's seven of us. We got this. Girls, come with me. Guys, go with Jay."

"Got it, boss," Melody joked.

"I don't care if you have a history. Melody, you and Uma love the sea and have a lot of sass. Evie, Blanche, you two love beauty tips." I took a deep breath. "My point is, working together makes a big difference."

"Agreed," Mal said.

We separated into our groups and went our separate ways. The MCG took Celia and Annie back to the cottage. Uma and I were reading through Audrey's diary in her dorm room. Uma was actually accepting me, which surprised me the most.

Evie opened the door. "She's nowhere on campus."

"Found her diary. And dang, did you ruin Audrey's life." Uma smiled.

"Okay, so did you find anything in there that we didn't already know, or..." Mal trailed off.

"She hangs out at Fairy Cottage. You know, where Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather hid her mom from your mom?" Uma explained.

"Yes. Ha, ha, ha. The irony is not lost on me," Mal said.

Uma sighed. "How could anyone with this bed ever be unhappy?"

We went back to the cottage. The girls didn't know it, but I was getting tired. My powers drained me slowly.

"I really hope they found Ben," Mal stated.

"Nice digs," Uma said, referring to the cottage.

"I got a really good deal," Evie said.

We walked inside and I felt something overwhelm me. My eyes drooped. I set the staff down, figuring it was the cause. I walked over to the couch, my energy draining faster by the second.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)!"

"Just... tired," I mumbled before passing out.

I realized before I fell into a deep sleep.


A warm sense of renewed energy ran through my body. Audrey got me as we walked into the cottage. But how did I wake up?

"Audrey got her while she was weak. That thing was draining her," Mal explained.

"Explains why Dad was sleeping for half of my life," Jay said, his hand on top of mine.

True Love's Kiss. Works every time.

I sat up. Jay smiled, then kissed my forehead. Mal left the room, knowing that I was okay, giving her relief. Jay had his arm around me as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Jay asked.

"Better now that I had a power nap," I admitted. "Did you find Ben?"

"He's outside," Jay said, pointing toward the door. "Why am I never there when you're in trouble?"

"Because I'm strong enough to fight, even if I get into something that might hurt me," I said.

Jay and I walked outside. Everyone except Celia and Annie were standing around the patio. Ben was the sixth of the MCG, since he has Enchantress magic in his blood. Audrey was the seventh.

"We all think that Audrey could be at Fairy Cottage, and we have no idea where it is. Did she ever take you there?" Mal asked.

"Every Fairy Godmother's Day." Ben looked at Jane and Chelsea. "Where is Fairy Godmother when you need her?"

"I wish I knew," Jane said.

"Girls, let's go find our mentor. You guys are going to Fairy Cottage," Melody instructed.

"Evie, here." Blanche handed her a vial.

"Is it-"

"I'm not that petty." Blanche rolled her eyes. "No. Protection spell. Drink."

"Got it." Evie put it in one of her pockets.

We walked off while the group went inside. Jay blew a kiss to me. I blew one back before he went inside.

What he didn't know was my Birthright Jewel was now missing from my nightstand.

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