Chapter 1- The MCG

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Once upon a time, long, long ago... well, more like sixteen years ago. Sultan Aladdin and Sultanate Jasmine had a baby girl, (Y/n), along with her twin brother, Aziz. (Y/n) was the oldest. She regretted being five minutes older since she was five years old.

Eleven years ago, she heard a strange hiss in the palace garden. Curiosity got the better of her, and she went to explore. She peered around a corner and saw an almost golden snake slithering around the tiger lillies. It wrapped around her hand, slithering up her arm until it was draped around her shoulders like a boa.

The snake was a cobra.

Her parents gasped when she came back from the garden. They didn't care that she was dirty from the mud. They only cared that a golden cobra was around her shoulders. (Y/n) was so proud, so happy that she grabbed the snake and handed it to her mother.

Her eyes glowed red as the gold cobra turned into a staff.

The traumatizing red eyes of the cobra staff almost made Sultanate Jasmine faint. It only lasted for a second before it turned back into a snake, and her daughter's eyes returned to their natural color.

Five-year-old (Y/n) and Aziz didn't know why they were being rushed to a hospital at that age. They didn't know why the doctors wanted their blood, or for them to breathe deeply. More tests were run on (Y/n) than on Aziz. The girl had tears in her eyes during the entire process.

She had magic.

And not just any magic. No, no. The doctors had to be specific for Sultan Aladdin and Sultanate Jasmine. Jafar's sorcery and the Genie's magic were in her, running through her veins.

Sultanate Jasmine had tears in her eyes when the rude doctor broke the news.

A week later, Jasmine and Aladdin arrived in Auradon. They were shortly escorted to King Beast's castle. Jasmine carried Aziz, while Aladdin delicately held (Y/n).

King Beast, Queen Belle, and the Fairy Godmother were gathered around a table. A playmat was set in the middle of the table. (Y/n) was placed on it before Sultan Aladdin sat down.

"We are here to discuss Princess (Y/n), correct? Or the twins?" Fairy Godmother asked.

"Princess (Y/n)," Sultanate Jasmine whispered.

"Now, you wrote to us about Princess (Y/n) having some kind of powers. Please, indulge us," King Adam said.

"We had some tests done. Princess (Y/n) has some of Jafar's sorcery, and the Genie's magic in her. They explained that (Y/n) is one in a million."

Indeed, they had. Princess (Y/n) was a one in a million baby. Being the oldest had the greatest deal regarding her. If she had not come out first, everything would be put on her brother.

Both of her parents were affected by Jafar's sorcery, and Sultan Aladdin was affected by Genie's magic. The magic seeped into their bodies and somehow into the twins. Because Princess (Y/n) was the oldest, she was given the powers of both of them.

"We have to do something about it," Queen Belle decided.

"Sultan Aladdin, Sultanate Jasmine, your daughter is carrying the powers of good and evil. How are we supposed to help her control it?" King Adam asked, his voice slow and calm.

"There has been a report that King Eric and Queen Ariel's daughter, Melody, has gained some powers that originally came from the Sea Witch. This is going to happen to other kids, Adam. What about Queen Aurora's daughter?" the Fairy Godmother questioned.

"She is going to be our biggest evil yet," Queen Belle breathed.

"We need a group," the Fairy Godmother decided. "The Magical Recovery Group."

"They're not recovering from a curse or a potion, Fairy Godmother. They have magic stamped into their blood," Sultanate Jasmine argued.

"Then there has to be a way to stamp it out of them," King Adam replied.

"No. Unless it is like my magic, there is no way to reverse this... incident." The Fairy Godmother shook her head. "No. I will help these kids. As Headmistress of Auradon Prep, I will make it my duty to help these kids. We will call it... The Magical Control Group."

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