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Lyra females...

He'd matured learning about their culture, their magnificent existence. He'd listened to glorious tales about their incomparable beauty, their strength and intelligence.

It fascinated him to such extent that he often wondered what it was like, that special connexion that the elders have always praised about.

And now he finally had it in his possession. Lyra blood.

Elias peered down at the little earthling resting so close to him in that peculiar way humans seemed to always favor -from what he'd learned about them- her thin arm still wrapped around his neck whilst her face remained buried between his pectorals, creating an odd sensation everytime she breathed against his skin.

He was well aware that it was not physically possible for her to be his destined one since she was just a feeble earth-raised being who happened to inherit illyrian gene.

A one in a million chance.

Yet he did feel it. That certain reaction within his system the moment her blood reached his tongue, altering him at cellular level.

Whoever it belonged to, her ancestor's blood was strong indeed.

The perfect candidate.

His senses immediately reacted as she stirred, escaping one of those tiny and high-pitched sounds of hers as her body jolted, effectively surprising him.

Could it be that she had a neurological condition he hadn't previously detected?

He definitely knew all about those wretched diseases humans tended to have, thanks to their filthy habits and generally hostile environment.

They even went as far as creating one themselves so they could purposely decrease their overly-grown population faster and easier.

Such vile and senseless creatures...

It did benefit him though, for if it weren't for the humans' utter stupidity and insistence to try and create an alliance with Laxian after so many earthian decades of failed attempts to reach them, he wouldn't have found out about the existence of Lyra gene on Earth, well-preserved and still alive.

"Don't leave me..." The little female mumbled under her breath, her pulse quickening as she trembled and shifted for a few times more, nestling like an earthian cub as her palms moved to rest against his chest, seemingly seeking for some more warmth as she made herself even tinier and slipped her slender leg over his, unintentionally revealing more of her nudeness underneath that thin cloth barely covering her lithe yet voluptous body.

He could not deny that in spite of coming from such a poorly-bred race, her physique was absolutely exquisite.

Indeed a Lyra heiress.

She had the facial features of a faultless deity and a body fit to compete with some of the fairest races throughout the seven galaxies.

"Popsie..." She unintelligibly called out, her throat muscles swelling whilst those agitated sounds made their way through her, her face fastly wetting as her closed eyes started to release those liquid drops called tears.


So she could have negative emotions while resting too?

Such complicated beings these peculiar humans...

Elias mused as his arms wrapped tighter around her and rolled onto his back so that she could lay over his body, performing simple techniques in the process of diffusing those negative emotions. So he started to gently trace his fingers through her hair whilst his other hand covered her bare back, mildly caressing her soft skin from time to time as he kept measuring that decrease in her pulse and the slow release of serotonin into her system.

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