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Madeleine could not tell how much time had passed, but she was certain enough that it had to be hours since they've lastly looked away from each other, sky blue meeting purple galaxy as they held their silent battle, ever since she had finally woken up and regained full control of her body again after what he did to her. Again.

She still didn't trust him and she didn't care why he did what he did. All she knew was that she wasn't going to ever let him do it again, much less touch her.

She was pretty much aware that he was the sole key to her survival since she did not even know what was expecting her on Laxian once they've finally landed but one thing was for sure; as soon as she was able, she was going to evade him and try her luck on her own.
She owed herself that much. And to her precious Tate, who had struggled so much to keep her safe and free...and as happy as one could be, given that hostile environment they were forced to live in.

She had to at least try. Who knows, maybe one day she could've even managed to get back to Earth and make a living on her own, somewhere far away and in the middle of nowhere...

Somewhere far, far away from everything and everyone...

A small and involuntary sigh blew past her lips as she continued to stare at the BloodHound, deeply lost in thought and completely apathetic as the latter quietly observed her.

Humans...such complex and mysterious beings...

No matter how many informations he had previously assimilated regarding these species, he had still so much to learn. And the fragile little creature now sitting before him was only proving just that.
More than 120 earth hours in her presence and he was still unable to fully decipher how her brain worked. What triggered what and why, how to improve her mental condition or simply deflect any negative emotions...

So many emotions...

He could not help but feel himself so...overwhelmed by this neverending battle to truly conquer everything she represented.
And the time was ticking. They had such little time left before their impending and inevitable arrival to his home planet.


He for sure wasn't too eager or keen to set foot on it again. Yet their current situation requested of it, for he definitely knew that he had better chances of winning against an entire army of royal laxian guards than a handful of brainwashed BloodHounds commanded by an angry Alpha.

He inadvertently scoffed at the thought of that devious filth of an Alpha, unintentionally startling the little earthling sitting but a few meters away from his position on the spotless white floor.

"Entering 30-hour Earth time lapse before contact with Proxima Centauri atmosphere," The robotic voice suddenly chimed in, drawing the attention of both creatures; the BloodHound abruptly raising himself up to his feet whilst the girl warily watched him, her stance still guarded as she held both arms wrapped around her knees.

"We have little time left until landing to Laxian," He started whilst moving to press a few buttons over the command console.

"I advise you should take care of all your bodily needs until then; for I predict there will be a while until we find a proper housing for us to hide in,"

The girl's dark brown brows immediately furrowed in confusion at the hearing of his words, the BloodHound sparing her but a glance before giving her a better explanation.

"Eat as much as you can, take a shower, just do everything you need to prepare yourself as best as you can,"

She only nodded once in agreement, closely watching him move around to press another few buttons she hadn't even noticed before as she wasted but a few moments before she eventually hopped off of the bed and went to serve her next meal.

Just after finishing to manually set up everything that was needed to in preparation for the engage with Proxima Centauri's gravity, the BloodHound resumed to his previous activity and sat in the nearby chair, attentively watching his little human companion as she pushed those three buttons she already knew by heart; patiently waiting whilst her dining table and bench sprouted from the multi-functioning wall, followed by her multi-protein purée, power bars and juice.

He watched as she sat at the table and grabbed the spoon, unwrapping it from its protective foil and taking her time as she shoved it in the soft and smooth purée, delicately wrapping her lips around it and slowly swallowing, one small portion after the other, gaining his complete and undivided attention.

It was safe to say that after watching her perform this ritual for a few times, oddly enough it became his guilty pleasure. Sometimes it even made him crave to taste it too, those times when he was not actually craving for that other thing. That other mysterious and utterly unidentifiable thing.

His galaxy eyes followed every single little movement, savouring it as if he were the one eating that meal whilst the girl remained completely oblivious to his staring, too engrossed in her own business to notice or even care for that matter.


Minutes passed and she eventually finished, fleetingly meeting his gaze before she sat up and cleaned up whatever mess she made, careful to slide everything back in before going back to the bed.

She hopped on and laid there for a while, tossing and turning between absently staring at the dotted lights above or the glass pane, her incessant fretting making him wonder exactly what was going on within her mind before she abruptly sat up and climbed down from the bed, consciously avoiding his gaze as she hurriedly made her way towards the bathroom.

She sighed just as the sliding door closed behind her, nervously biting her lower lip as she stared at the small shower cubicle for a moment.

She needed to wash herself so badly. It'd been a while since her last proper clean-up -willingly or not- and she could already feel the way her clothes were sticking against her overly-sweated body.

And the smell...Well, it was not so bad actually. She'd had it way worse, back when she was constantly living on the run with Tate.

At least that didn't change much. Except that now I'm running with someone else.

She frowned at the thought, sadly reminiscing the face of her late protector and foster parent, escaping a small and pained sob through her tightly-closed lips before she found her reflection in the mirror wall. And with a long and audible exhale she forcefully sobered up, willing herself to move so she fastly undressed herself and entered the shower cubicle, entirely baffled to notice that there was no faucet, no nothing.

"Great. Now how the hell do I turn on the water?"

His violet galaxy eyes closely followed the data and coordinates scrolling through the glass screen when a loud scream abruptly reached his sensitive hearing, his mind alerting him that the little earthling might be in danger.

And without so much as a second thought he swiftly moved straight towards the bathroom door and broke it down into pieces with a single powerful punch, earning himself another ear-splitting scream as he ripped the glass door open and grabbed her by the waist, all thoughts about her space and privacy completely pushed aside as he pulled her as close as possible against his body, looking for any signs of threat as he held her tightly pressed against him, her feet basically dangling in the air.

"Aah! Put me down put me down!" She screamed and struggled in his vice grip for a few times before he lastly realized that there was no real threat -beside the ice cold water that had pelted down her sensitive skin- and that he was actually mildly hurting her with his forceful grip.

"Put me down! Let me go!" She cried out, the BloodHound reluctantly loosening his grip around her small waist as he peered into her wild blue eyes for a moment, taking notice of the softness of her wet and bare skin against his as her plump breasts pressed against the upper part of his abdominal muscles, making his body yearn to invade hers.

So he abruptly let her go and took a generous step back, the bathroom seeming too small for them both to fit in.

"I-I apologize. I thought that you were in danger," He weakly excused himself, being quick to avert his gaze from her bare body before fastly exiting the tiny room.

Immune (Alpha, BloodHound & Human romance)Where stories live. Discover now