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She dry-heaved for a few times longer after basically spilling her guts all over that pinkish sand, her mind still a jumbled mess as her lungs greedily took in Laxian's strong and completely clean air.

She sat there for a few moments longer, leaning on all fours as she waited to at least gain enough control of her own body before she greedily crawled her way to the shoreline of that beautiful lake stretching out but a few meters away from their landing position, disregarding every thought about asking first if it was okay to drink from it as she made a cup out of her both palms and started drinking, desperately quenching her thirst with each gulp.

She almost sighed in contentment at the feeling of the sweet and cool water caressing her insides, even splashing some over her face and neck as she felt so icky after throwing up.

"Feeling any better?" Emerick's calm voice reached her, abruptly drawing her attention so she turned around to answer, audibly gulping as soon as her eyes landed on him.


She blinked a few times in utter astonishment, shocked as if this was the first time she was actually seeing him. She couldn't understand why or how, but for some reason he seemed so...oddly attractive...

She couldn't help herself but ogle his figure as if he were the tastiest candy in a store, his mildly tanned and muscular torso shimmering so beautifully in those soft pinkish rays of sunset whilst his light brown hair appeared to be so smooth, the girl simply losing herself into those endless purple galaxies as they regarded her with such worry.

"Are you okay?"

"Huh? W-what?"

She blinked yet again in surprise, mildly shaking her head as if ridding herself of that momentary trance.

He extended his gloved palm, silently inviting her to accept his help so she hesitantly did, still somewhat dazed as she rose up to her feet.

Well that was weird.

"Don't you feel cold? You've been prancing around like this ever since we left Earth," She awkwardly commented on the fact that he was still half-naked, purposely avoiding to look at that part of his body again as she peered up into his eyes.

"I have a higher internal temperature. It helps me survive even in the most extreme conditions," He answered with a tilt of his head as if he didn't fully understand the meaning of her words, making her uncomfortably step aside and avert her attention towards the peculiar scenery surrounding them instead.

He curiously watched her for a moment, worrying still for her health as he lastly went back inside the pod to retrieve that backpack he had previously prepared with useful objects while she was still asleep.

Pushing a few buttons over the command console, he activated the pod's invisibility shield as well before hurrying out with the backpack strapped over his shoulder, only to find her in the exact same position she'd previously stood.

Her earthian sky blue eyes kept wandering around at the vast density of laxian foliage, its color varying in hues of red, pink and even oaky white, the lake's soft turquoise blue water contrasting the sand's soft pink color so beautifully, making her simply stare in awe for a moment before she turned around to face him again.

"What...What did you do with the pod?" She curiously asked as she gazed at its barely visible outline. Now, it rather looked like a glass-made bubble than an actual ship.

"I have activated its invisibility shield. It will make it at least harder to locate, and implicitly gain us more time to find a safe location until someone will eventually start searching for us," He explained whilst taking determined steps towards her.

"Wait, w-who's gonna search for us?" She abruptly asked as soon as he stopped right in front of her, her palms automatically raising open into a defensive manner as she widely stared up at him, their skins almost touching.

The BloodHound gazed into her earthian eyes for a moment, his own filled with something so dark as he seemed to think about a certain something -or more like someone- for the span of a second, the girl immediately losing her will to have an answer for that and audibly gulping as her hands slowly lowered to her sides.

"My mission is to keep you safe. I will not fail it," He solemnly vowed like the true soldier he was built to be, leaning forward to slip a hand under the back of her thighs while the other wrapped around her back, ready to gather her into his arms when she suddenly pushed against his chest in a startled attempt to stop him.

"Wait, what are you doing?!?"

"You are not wearing shoes. You could hurt yourself. Human skin is very fragile," He explained the reason behind his actions, not wasting another moment as he rather swiftly gathered her into his arms, causing her to let out a squeal.

"No! Put me down! I'm not some baby, I can handle myself!" She cried out whilst squirming in his embrace like a fussing toddler.

"I said put me down!"

She squirmed under his confused gaze for a few seconds longer, the BloodHound waging his internal battle before eventually giving in to her desire and with a gentle move he helped her stand on her own two feet, curiously staring at her as she rather angrily smoothed out her sweatshirt and pants.

Once again, he couldn't understand what it was that he did. He only wanted to help her!

"Lead the way," She told him, using a hand to nervously tuck her hair behind her ear as she refused to look at him again, making him experience a feeling he had never felt before.
Nevertheless, he granted her request and started walking, careful not to move too fast and leave her behind.

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