Chapter 3

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Rayelle Frost


Seven blissful years had flown by...

"Athena?" Rayelle mumbled before her eyes opened, her hand reaching out to find her mate, and a soft smile lifted her lips when she felt her mate's lips kissing her cheek from behind.

"Good morning, My Queen... Our guests are waiting for us at the breakfast table. Would you join us?" Athena had whispered, inhaling her mate's scent longingly, and even when Rayelle did not want to leave the bed, she nodded begrudgingly.

"I do not wish to leave your arms or this bed but... June will be throwing a fit if I make her wait any longer." Rayelle told her wife as she turned in her arms and when her eyes opened, she was once again mesmerized by the golden orbs watching her lovingly.

Rayelle couldn't believe it had been seven years since the day her mate, her Queen, had managed to prevent a gruesome war and saved thousands of lives — hers included. It was hard at first, of course, to build back everything they had once lost, but Athena never lost faith in her people and with the help of their friends, they managed to bring the Vampire Kingdom back to its glory. Now, after seven years, the kingdoms prospered, people were happy, the trade was smooth, and everything was peaceful at last. Some would say that it was even better than ever before but Athena wouldn't dare to compare herself to her great father; the bearer of true alteration that changed the tide of relationships between Vampires and other species.

Today was the day of celebration in the Vampire Kingdom...

"Happy Anniversary, My Queen." Athena mumbled lovingly, her heart racing like it always did for their mate, and Rayelle blushed beautifully as she pulled her down to press their lips together; her hands threading through her mate's long locks as always. 

"Happy Anniversary, my big bad vampire... I love you so much." Rayelle's breath tickled her mate's wet lips as she spoke and Athena kissed her again; more passionate than before.

Rayelle wanted to take it further but Athena pulled away...again.

"My apologies, my Queen, but we can not. June is acting like a starving pup and she is going to--" Athena's sweet words were interrupted by the loud knock on their door and Rayelle giggled at her mate's irritated expressions before they finally got up.

June and Athena were best friends now...

After Athena saved her life and claimed Rayelle as her mate, June found herself becoming closer and closer to the Vampire Queen who was the best friend she could only hope to gain in her immortal life. Athena introduced June, who was only learning to become a just Alpha King for their people, to her friends from other kingdoms and guided her throughout her initial journey. June returned the favor by helping Athena propose to Rayelle and was the one who arranged everything for their official marriage ceremony; it was declared the wedding of the decade. June was way too proud of herself for doing that. The werewolf and vampire empires thrived together like never before and the friendship between the royal families almost made it one true kingdom — strongest.

Naturally, June was the first guest to arrive for the Anniversary too...

"Athena! If you do not come out here right now I will force my witches to-- Oh, hey, Ray. Happy Anniversary, sister." June's loud voice turned soft and sweet as soon as Ray opened the door and Athena watched the two embrace with a gentle smile.

"Thank you, June. I am so glad you could make it. Where are the kids?" Rayelle asked excitedly, her hazel eyes shining, and June opened her mouth to reply only to be cut off when she heard the loud sound of footsteps approaching.

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