Chapter 1

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Morrigan paced around Jupiter's office, unable to contain her excitement. Jupiter was looking at her, his brows furrowed.

"Do you really think this is a good idea?" - Jupiter asked, breaking the silence. There was an open doubt in his voice.

Morrigan stopped and lowered her eyes, biting her lip slightly.

"As if there's another way out" - she muttered. - "The Wintersea Republic is threatening war, and we know firsthand what they are capable of, and specifically their President" - Morrigan didn't say her name out loud. It seemed to her that if she uttered it, she would simply vomit with disgust.

"Besides, at the moment, as much as I hate to admit it, I have no reason not to trust Squall. First of all, he never lied to me, apart from presenting under a different name at the beginning of our acquaintance, but this is a harmless thing. Don't you think?" - Morrigan began counting off her fingers. - "Secondly, personally, I still don't have a clear idea of what happened at Courage Square a hundred years ago, and based on what I saw with my own eyes, Wunsoc itself is far from as holy and grandiose as it seems at first glance, and they could easily hide the truth. And the answer is in that hidden section in The Gobleian Library. You should have seen how many history books about Wundersmiths there are!" - for a moment her eyes lit up with delight when she looked at Jupiter, but after a moment she continued. - "And they're hiding it all. Would they hide it if they had nothing to hide? The answer is one: no. Besides, I'm not even sure that the current Elders have even looked into these books. They probably, like everyone in the city, were just told one well-established story about an evil Wundersmith who killed many people and was expelled from the Free State about a hundred years ago. And the only person who knows the whole truth is Squall himself. So here's what I think: we need to persuade the Elders to at least listen to Squall. He will surely be able to help stop Wintersea. This is such a chance!"

When Morrigan finished, she looked searchingly at Jupiter, who looked thoughtful.

"Even if we take into account the fact that no one still knows anything specific about The Courage Square Massacre, this does not cancel out everything else that Squall did. The murder of cursed children, involvement in the opening of The Ghastly Market, the creation of Hollowpox. And God knows what else he did" - Jupiter raised his hand in a stopping gesture. - "I know you've said more than once that he created Hollowpox by order of President Wintersea, but he did it. You can't deny that".

Morrigan sighed and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Yes, you're right, I can't. But..." - Morrigan frowned. - "He helped to cure it later and..."

"That is why you agreed to become his apprentice".

"I gave my consent myself, he didn't force me"- the girl said again. How many times has it been possible to repeat that it was her own decision and Squall did not oblige her to sign the contract?

Jupiter sighed wearily and pinched the bridge of his nose. Such disputes have always been exhausting. Neither he nor she was willing to give in. But still he had to.

"Well, I guess everyone makes mistakes," he got up from the desk. - "Let's see what happens. Just don't say later that I didn't warn you".

"Pfff, don't dream" - Morrigan grinned, rejoicing at her victory.


To say that the Elders did not like this idea is to say nothing. They were furious to learn that Morrigan had communicated with the enemy of Nevermoor and became his apprentice, and even asked them to agree to meet with him in person. It is incomprehensible to the mind! Morrigan reminded them of the threat posed by the Republic, and that it would not be bad to listen to what Squall would say, while asking what they even know about him and about the history of the Wundersmiths, if not to recall the old legend. As she expected, the Elders did not respond to this, and it was clear that this fact clearly hurt their pride. But in the end they gave their consent, albeit without much enthusiasm.

That was one of the reasons why Morrigan was in the Republic now. The second reason was that she had to have a lesson with Squall.

Squall conducted the lessons held in the Republic at Squall Industries. It wasn't safe, of course, but there wasn't much choice. She still wondered how the President had not guessed anything yet, given her awareness of everything that was happening. It bothered Morrigan, but she tried to put these thoughts out of her head. She had a lot of problems without it.

When Morrigan arrived, Squall was sitting at his office desk, sorting through a stack of documents. At such moments, he looked like an ordinary, unremarkable businessman, sitting in an office chair from morning to night and sorting through stacks of papers, but certainly not the most powerful man in the world, capable of creating something unprecedented at the click of his fingers, as well as destroying it.

He didn't even notice her right away, so she had to cough a little to get his attention.

"Miss Crow" - he looked at his wristwatch. - "You're earlier than usual today".

"A special case, so to speak" - she shrugged.

Squall raised an eyebrow questioningly, waiting for her to continue.

"The Elders agreed to meet with you" - Morrigan did not beat around the bush. It wasn't her style. She was always straightforward.

Morrigan noted to herself that after these words, for the first time since their acquaintance, so many emotions flashed across Squall's face at once. She couldn't even hold back a light laugh, for which she received an irritated look from Squall, who quickly pulled himself together.

"After all, sometimes he loses control too" - Morrigan thought gloatingly, the grin remained on her face.

"The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow at 12 pm at Proudfoot House" - Morrigan added, without waiting for the Squall's response.

Squall sat silently, lost in his thoughts and lightly tapping his fingers on the surface of the table.

"Curious" - it was all Squall said.

Second Chance Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora