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Afternoon Quidditch practices

The team was summoned, and Harry showed up from under his cloak stealing Slytherin playing plan .
" this is the final practice before the game tomorrow, make sure you sleep well tonight and focus, is that clear? "
Ginny yelled at the teams
" Clear " they answered back
" KATIE BELL STOP HAVING SO MUCH FOOD BEFORE PRACTICE " Ginny yelled at the almost vomiting Katie Bell.
Narcissa, Ron and Harry with the others took their positions at the pitch and started to play , in their head nothing but winning and Kick Draco Ass .. Narcissa had another thing in her mind , she is willing to silence Draco forever..
The normal practice was three hours , the expand it into four hours so they make sure they are covering all the tricks and attacks .

Once Ginny throw the ball they attacked fiercely and the game started.
Hagrid and Hermione were cheering , and enjoying the afternoon watching their friends .. after four long hours .. the practice is done, but the sky became gloomy .. they could see a splash of black flying wizards .. and the weather became more darkened .. Harry scar started to ache , and they all freaked out .. it's been two years since the last ministry war when Sirius almost get killed , but they vanished before it.
" go to your houses , now " Professor Mcgonaglle called them , they rushed into the castle running , and Hagrid followed the other students as well in the yard.
In the castle entrance Narcissa was walking to get inside and she noticed Snape walking out .. she understood this is the call , and her mates too .

Gryffindore girls bathroom - the showers
" I don't understand why they are near the school ! The attacks happened away the past years " Hermione asked Ginny and Narcissa where they were under the shower , the vapor of hot relaxing water was coming from each shower compartment
" I don't know , we will figure out in the next meeting l, anyway , we will make Hogwarts remember the next match forever " Ginny said
"i think the death eaters are negotiating with the dark forest creatures "
Narcissa said
" thats clever , but how did you reached to such a conclusion, Cissy ?"
She almost sollow her tongue , the phrase slipped away from her because Snape told her this piece of information last night while they were cuddling in the sofa .
"erm- I dont know, I mean what do we have here in this land? School and forest .. You-know-who wont get closer to the school , so obviously he will get to the boarders.
That was close , " anyways, tea with Hagrid at sunset .. finish your showers quickly "
" I am coming Mione , we still have history and then we are done "
The students finally finished their history class , they gathered their parchment rolls and books , and four of them directly ran to Hagrid .
Hagrid large cauldron was boiling and also his tea pot . He just finished harvesting some winter herbs and greens and moved them to the kitchens and made a quick visit to the forest and quickly checked the grounds .. his daily duty .
" Dumbeldore sent me to the giants , but the death eaters were faster "
The squad eyes went to Narcissa, " Spot on " said Ron
She smiled a hesitant smile , and Hagrid completed while pouring tea :
" A storm is coming , and we should all be ready when it comes " he sighed heavily " specifically , you two " and he gestured at Harry and Narcissa.
" Remind me again, why you Cissy?" Hermione Asked

Narcissa cleared her throat and started to narrate why she should be more careful..

" the Avery family is a pureblood wizards family as you all know , but three hundred years ago , my greatest grandfather made a blood curse , not harmful.. but he magically mixed a unicorn blood with his .. and his genes were mixed with unicorn genes .. that made us live about 70 years longer than normal wizards.. "
" But most of your family died , specifically the elderly "
" they die for a reason, disease or accidents.. and it says that through generations those genes weren't exist anymore because it weakened, thanks to the marriage of outside families.. our blood is cleaned , but -"
" but Voldmort have other opinion " Harry interrupt
" yes, he think I still hold those genes , and I think it's a little bit of threat that make me hate my life somtimes "
" Narcissa you should be extra careful because he doesn't want you dead , unlike Harry I mean "
" thanks Ron " Harry said

Narcissa chuckled, " Obviously he want a blood curse and he want to use me for it , but OVER MY DEAD BODY " she hit her fist hard on the table.
They all laughed happily at her move , and the had their tea until night.

They all departed to bed because the match is soon and they must be ready for it, Ginny was rubbing her muscles with muscles cream and Harry was still discussing the plan with Sirius in the double sided mirror.
Ron was messing with his broom , and Katie Bell was jumping like a baby near Narcissa asking her to switch positions.
Finally, the day after was the match !
The Gryffindors and Slytherins were a fierce audience, the quidditch playground was full this time even more thanks to what Narcissa did in potions class , and Slytherin wants revenge.. like always
The match started as Gryffindors eagles head their broom speed to the fullest for a new victory, and the Slytherins bullets shots a strong goals at the beginning of the game .. Harry was after the snitch , he wouldn't care if they score 50 to Zero.
That what Ginny , Narcissa and Ron would take care of ..
" Ron are you blind? They score three already in the first ten minutes of the game ! "
Ginny yelled at him
The Slytherin audience was loudly cheering , and Lucious Malfoy was with Snape watching the game.. he fund all the team so no one would defeat his son.
Narcissa noticed something not normal in the slytherins brooms ., there were unusually..fast?
They kept scoring, and Ron arms were heavily injured because of their strong attacks
Until Lee Jordan said " Harry Potter catches the snitch ! GRYFFINDORS WINS !!"
The disappointment in the Gryffindors crowd vanished and the stands shook like an earthquake.. the table was flipped upside down now .

After the celebrations, Narcissa and the team weren't so happy because there was something not normal about their brooms.

It was Hogsmade day ! The school minimized the visits there because of the death eaters spread out, so it became one in two weeks instead of weekly.

" Fred and George, Sirius , and Professor Lupin are all waiting for us at madam Rosemerta pub , they are celebrating some kind of a deal that got a huge profit for them"

Said Ginny while fixing Narcissa hair

" is that so "

" ok done "
Ginny braided her friends red hair , and she applied some makeup , put on her black long dress and her brown boots, and the expensive pearl broche that Sirius bought her in Christmas to decorate her simple dress..
He still buy her stuff , she is his wife anyways.
They all head to the yard with Remus Lupin , Professor Mcgonaglle called their names one by one and while they were in the row before get in , Draco saw Narcissa and he started to bully :
" Oh look everyone, I know a girl who is married to the richest man in England and still wearing like an Amish "
" shut up Malfoy " Harry stood in the fron of him , Remus watched with silent.
While the slytherins laughed at Narcissa decent dress..
Draco added : " you think yourself a winner? Of that bold strong girl who threat us and get away with it ? I heard a rumor you don't even have a partner to the yule , stuck with that old padfot eh ? "
Erine face went down , he thought he is responsible for it .. he always loved Narcissa, and for a minute he regretted his owl that he finished everything with her without hearing from her at all.
The result is this .. She was bullied.
Narcissa jumped at him and choked him with her fist , until his face became blue at instant! Remus and Snape who showed up late moved her back, and Draco was horrified " she wanted to kill me ! My father will hear about this ! You filthy sponger ! "
" enough! " Snape yelled at Draco , and the house went silent for once and for all .

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