Chapter 1: The monster

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A monster was lurking in the shadows. Waiting and watching as the people of the DreamSMP played as nothing could go wrong. This monster bought its time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Seeing that time. It jumped out of the shadows and attacked. Leaving Fundy badly injured and some of the others came and scared it off. This has been happening for a while now. It comes and goes when it pleases and attacks them. They don't know if it's just playing with them or not because it never goes for the finish. No one had a clue what it was and even though they have fought it many a time they know they haven't hurt it. They had no one to turn to apart from Dream.

Dream was sitting in his cell leaning against one of the obsidian walls. He stared at the lava that was ever-flowing in front of him. His orange prison jumpsuit no so orange anymore. It was darker and there was some blood on the floor near him. He was wearing he broken mask that still covered most of his face. Which to him was a miracle. Dream hadn't been visited for a very long time. The only sound that filled the obsidian prison was the popping of the lava and the ticking of the clock on the wall that was for him to keep track of the days. Apart from that, it was deadly silent. That was until he heard voices on the other side of the lava and the sound of the bridge moving. Soon the lava fell showing him who was visiting. To Dream's surprise, there was quite a few of them. Tommy, Tubbo, George and Sapnap. Dream didn't speak he just looked at them. Wondering why they were here visiting him after so long. "Dream we needed your help" George started. Dream sighed of course they were only here because they wanted something. "What is it?" Dream asked his voice rough from the lack of use. "There's a monster" Snapnap began. "It keeps attacking us and we can't kill it so, will you try killing it for us," Snapnap asked. Dream stood up slowly which put the other four on guard. "Of course, I'll help" Dream answered even though he knew he was being used he couldn't find it in him to care. "Great" Tubbo said enthusiastically clapping his hands together. "Sam was coming back over with Dream" Tubbo yelled over to Sam, the warden of the prison. They all got on the platform and it began to move. Taking them back.

They stood outside in the light. It was the first time in over a year since Dream had stood in the sun feeling the cooling breeze. It cooled his burning skin it was a good change from the fiery heat of the lava that burned his skin and make him feel like he was being cooked alive. Dream had to cover his eyes as they readjusted to the bright light of the day. "So he's helping us?" Niki asked pointing at Dream. Dream nodded "yes I am" he replied. "So where have there's attack been happening most?" Dream questioned everyone. "Follow us well take you," Tommy said speaking for the first time since he came to Dreams cell. "Um, can I have a sword or an axe please?" Dream asked unsurely. He needed a weapon if they wanted him to fight this thing but he didn't know whether they'll give him one. "Ah, um sure when we get there" Tubbo replied awkwardly and slightly uncomfortable. They knew that Dream needed a weapon to fight the monster but giving him one made them tense. What if he attacked them and got away?

They walked to where new L'manberg was. "So, you rebuilt it?" Dream asked breaking the awkward and tense silences. "Yea, we did" Tommy answered kinda rudely. Dream just nodded. Dream stooped this caused everyone else to stop and look at him. "Keep moving Dream," Sam said shoving Dream. "Shhh" Dream shushed him as he got into a low stance ready to launch himself. This put everyone on edge. "Someone past me a weapon" Dream spoke quietly putting his hand out for someone to pass him a weapon. "Why?" Tommy asked unsurely. "It's here" Dream answered. Quickly Tubbo pasted Dream a diamond axe. Not even a second later the thing launched at them. Dream jumped forward and blocked one of its arm leg things that tried to hurt Tommy. "Get back!" Dream yelled at them. Without hesitation, they moved out of the way. Watching from a somewhat safe distance, watching. Dream pulled back the axe before swinging it at one of the thing's legs chopping it clean off. Now that the monster was off-balance Dream knocked it onto the ground as he used the axe to blind the monster cutting over the monster's many eyes leaving it blind. Dream jumped back dodging an attack from the monster. He ran around the monster with such speed that the others watched with amazement but also fear. This man had been in prison for over a year and could still fight amazingly if not better, which confused them but at the moment they were thankful. Just as Dream went for the finishing hit the monster cut him across his chest. Ignoring the pain Dream dug the axe into the monster's head, killing it.

Dream moved away from the monster slowly. "Here," Dream said passing the axe back to Tubbo who took it surprised that Dream didn't try anything. "So, I'm heading back to prison" Dream spoke as he began making his way back to prison. Seemingly forgetting about his wound. Tommy and Tubbo looked at each other than at Dream who was leaving a bit of blood as he went. "Dream" Tubbo called out. "What?" Dream asked stopping and turning around to face the others. "You don't have to go back to the prison but your not aloud near the countries if you're seen near them then it won't be back to prison-" Tubbo didn't get to finish as Tommy cut him of "it will be death" Tommy warned Dream. Dream nodded as he began to leave in the direction of the snowy tundra.

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