"Spit It Out Romanoff" - Ch 7

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A/N: Chapter 7 for y'all ig, enjoy! <3

"What's this about Natasha?"

Nat's POV
I was so nervous to ask Y/N about this and she thought I was just going to make hateful comments. "No it's not about that, I'm not here to hate you right now. I need to talk to you about something serious" I said in a kind of annoyed voice. I really wasn't there to hate her. I was questioning my sexuality and I thought she was the best person to go to as she had come out to everyone at the party.

"I came to ask..." I paused nervously. "Spit it out Romanoff" She angrily said, probably annoyed at me wasting her time. "I came to ask how you knew you were Abrosexual?" I blurted out. She seemed shocked by this and stood with her mouth on the floor. It was kind of a funny sight but this was serious so I kept a straight face.

"Did she seriously just ask me that?" I thought to myself. It was not what I was expecting at all. I felt kind of bad, I know how hard it is to figure your sexuality out. Once I picked my jaw up off the floor and composed myself I realised I had been quiet for a while and she was starting to look worried. "I'm sorry I should've never asked you, sorry for wasting your time" She said and starting walking away.

"No, Natasha" I said as I grabbed her wrist. She turned back around to look at me. "Are you questioning your sexuality?". I asked not knowing how to start this conversation. "Yes...Maybe....Idk" She replied. "It's okay if you are" I reassured her. "I'm sorry for snapping at you, I know how hard this can be" I apologised as I twiddled with my fingers.

"So, how did you know?" She asked me. "Well, at first I thought I was just Bisexual, I knew I felt attraction to both men and women, I didn't tell anyone this though because I wasn't entirely sure and I was still kind of exploring" I replied. "But then I noticed that the level of attraction I had for each gender would sometimes get more or less intense, I don't know the exact time period it lasts for each time but I know that it changes sometimes" I explained with Natasha listening the whole time. "So I googled it, and it came up with Abrosexual, so I explored more in depth what that meant and it just felt right" I smiled at the end to reassure her that it's okay she's feeling this way.

"Wow" was all she said "that was kind of inspiring". "What are you thinking?" I asked. "What do you mean?" She replied. " I mean what do you think you identify as, it's okay if you don't know yet, you don't have to label yourself". I reassured her.

"Well, I don't really know, I know that I feel attraction towards men and women, maybe a little more women though. But, I've never been with a women, even a one night stand, I've never experienced that" She explained. "It's so much better than men" I joked. "I can't believe I'm talking about my sex life with Natasha Romanoff" I thought to myself. It's kind of nice though, not fighting all the time.

"Well, thanks for your help I guess, but I have to go train now" She said "Ye....right" I said, kind of sad that she was leaving. "What, Y/N don't be silly you hate her you WANT her to leave" I thought to myself. "I STILL HATE YOU" She shouted as she slammed my door. "I hate you too" I muttered under my breathe soon as she wouldn't hear me anyway.

It was around 3pm by now so I decided to take a nap before the family dinner and game night. I hated family game nights they always ended in an argument. I slept for around 2 hours and woke up to the smell of food being cooked. "Whatcha cookin'?" I asked Vision and Wanda who were the ones cooking tonight. "It's a Chicken Curry Miss Y/L/N" Vision replied. "No need to be so formal Vision, just Y/N is fine, I mean you are dating my best friend after all" I said. "Y/NNNN" Wanda whined and blushed at my statement. They weren't actually together but I knew they liked eachother so I teased them about it all the time. "Jarvis, can you tell everyone dinners ready please?" Wanda asked the AI. "Certainly Miss Maximoff" Jar replied.

About 10 minutes later everyone was sat at the table as Wanda was dishing up. Tony and Stephen were at either end of the table. Bucky and Steve were sat next to eachother. "Stucky? I knew it" I thought to myself but decided not to bring it up yet as neither of them were out to the team. I was secretly smiling though, I was always rooting for those two. I ended up sitting next to Natasha with Wanda and Vision opposite us. Loki and Thor sat next to Wands and Vision. Bruce sat next to Thor and Sam and Clint sat next to me and Natasha.

We all enjoyed our dinner, surprisingly without any massive full blown arguments. I tried to ignore Natasha as much as I could but she was a lefty so we kept bumping elbows and exchanging annoyed glances which luckily nobody noticed and we were civil enough to not blow up in each others faces. I was NOT looking forward to this game night.

A/N: Hey y'all, this was a bit of a longer chapter so let me know if you liked it and I will make the chapters longer in the future. Also, thank you so much for 200 reads it really means a lot to me. <3

Keep Vibing 😛✌️

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