"So?" - Ch 2

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A/N: Hey ik it's been a while but here's Chapter 2 ig, hope you like it. Also, thanks _lethal_assassin_ for reminding me to write another Chapter.

Nat's POV
I woke Y/N up and went down to the kitchen to make myself a protein shake. About 10 minutes later I heard footsteps approaching the kitchen, I knew it was Y/N because she has really soft footsteps unlike the others in this building.

She walked into the kitchen in her black jeans and a white shirt, she wasn't wearing a hoodie today which I thought was weird because she is ALWAYS wearing that hoodie. She looked hot either way "What!? No Natasha you can't think like that she hates you and you hate her" I caught myself before I could think like that anymore.

"Morning" She said coldly as she walked to the fridge. "Yeah" I replied. I didn't want her to know I was actually interested in talking to her. She sat down with her bowl of cereal, I was glad she was eating something because she normally doesn't. We all try to get her to eat sometimes but I guess she just doesn't like breakfast even though its the most important meal of the day.

"I'm going to workout in the gym, DON'T bother me" I said as I walked past her to the gym.

After what I thought was half an hour, I heard the gym door open. I didn't turn around as I was too busy punching the bag. "You've been here for like 4 hours" I heard her say behind me. I looked down at my watch and it had actually been 4 hours, I guess time goes fast when I'm training. "So?" I said back to her acting like I wasn't shocked that it'd been so long. "SO, it's my turn in the gym now" She said emphasising the word so. "Alright" I surrendered walking out the gym. "God, she's so annoying" I thought to myself as I went to have my shower.

I had finished my cereal and I went back to my room to finish off some of my mission reports and read some Wattpad. Before I knew it, it had been 4 hours. I realised that Nat hadn't been back from the gym yet, so I headed down there for my workout.

I entered the gym and I knew she heard me but she didn't turn around. "You've been here for like four hours" I said trying not to sound worried but failing miserably. "So?" She snapped back at me. This got me pissed, why was she being so mean. "SO, it's my turn in the gym now" I said emphasising the so. "Alright" she said and walked out the gym. "That was weird" I thought. She normally puts up at least a little bit of a fight. "Strange" I said quietly under my breathe so she couldn't hear me but I started my workout anyway.

A/N: Hey guys so this is Chapter 2 I hope you like it. Btw, none of these chapters are planned out. I just write as it comes into my head so sorry if it's all a bit jumbled.

Have a nice day/evening/night depending on where you are :)

552 words

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