"Speak Of The Devil" - Ch 3

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A/N: Hey peeps, it's been a while. But here's another chapter ig. <3

Nat's POV
I didn't put up a fight when Y/N told me to get out the gym because I had been occupying it for a while.

I made my way back to my room to take a shower and freshen up before going down to the main room.

"Lady Natasha" I heard Thor's voice booming across the room."What do you want Thor?" I asked before going and sitting down next to Capscile on the couch. "I was just saying hello m'lady, do you know where my poptarts are?". "I think Y/N ate them all". I knew she hadn't eaten them all but what's the fun in telling him that, I wanted to see what would happen. "Oh! Thank You Lady Natasha for telling me". "No Problem" I replied trying to hide my smirk.

Just then, Y/N walked in the room. "Speak of the devil" I think to myself. "LADY Y/N" Thor shouted even louder than usual which I didn't actually think was possible. Everyone put their hands over their ears as Y/N replied with "Hey Thor, why so loud?". "YOU ATE ALL MY POPTARTS" He shouted still very loud. "What? No I didn't Thor, but I'll get you some more from the store if you like?". I was hoping Thor would overreact at her denying it but he didn't. "I do not believe you but if you are getting me poptarts I suppose I can forgive you Lady Y/N". Thor says as he engulfs Y/N in a hug.

"T-Thor, too t-tight" She managed to say as she was struggling to breathe. Thor finally let go of her and she grabbed her car keys and left to get him poptarts.

"PARTY AT 8 EVERYONE" Tony shouted making everyone jump as nobody noticed him enter the room. "UGHHHHHH" everyone groaned. "What for this time Tony? " Bucky asked as he got up off the couch. "I don't need a reason for a party Buckaroo, I'm Tony fucking Stark". Everyone just rolled their eyes and left. "YOU'RE ALL COMING" Tony shouted after us as we left the room. "Jarvis, where is Y/N?" Tony asked the AI. "Miss Y/N is at the store fetching Thor some poptarts Mr Stark". "Okay, alert her about the party when she gets back". "I will be sure to do so Mr Stark". "Thanks Jar (idk Jarvis' nickname so if you don't like this gimme ideas pls).

I grabbed my car keys and left to go grab Thor some poptarts. I didn't eat them but I think I know who said I did. I'm not picking a fight though because I really just want to enjoy my day.

I walk back into the compound and I am greeted by Jarvis. "Hello Miss Y/N, Tony told me to alert you that there will be a party at 8". "Thanks Jar, and please just call me Y/N". "Also, could you tell Thor I got his poptarts?". "Of course Y/N".

Not even 10 seconds later, I feel the floor shake as Thor comes bounding into the room and snatches his poptarts out of my hands and immediately starts eating them. "You're Welcome" I say sarcastically as I laugh at his childlike behaviour. "Thank You Lady Y/N" Thor says with a mouthful of poptarts.

I check the time and it's already 6pm. "I should probably get ready for the party" I thought to myself. I went to find Wanda as she is my best friend and normally the one who helps me with things like this. I also know I have to tell her something aswell. See, the thing is, I'm Abrosexual and nobody knows yet but I think it's time to tell people and who better to start with than Wanda.

A/N: Been a while y'all but hope ur all doing good and here is Chapter 3 for you. I will work on Chapter 4 and I may upload it today/in the middle of the night as my sleep schedule is totally fucked so ya look out for that.

703 words

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