"Morning Sunshine" - Ch 11

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A/N: Hey folks, it's been a minute, here's the next chapter for y'all enjoy <3

Nat's POV
Y/N is so annoying!! We have to share a floor now just because I need her to keep this secret, I cannot let the others find out and I know that if I annoy Y/N in any way she could easily just tell the others. After the movie was finished Maria left and I decided to just go to bed, I couldn't think about all this right now. Y/N would be moving into the other room tomorrow so I need to get as much sleep as I can before all the restless night of her keeping me up, I know she will, her music is always so loud.

I woke up at 10am the next morning to slamming and banging outside my room. I opened my door still in my pyjamas. "What the hell is going on?" I asked. "Morning sunshine, I'm moving in remember" Y/N replied. "ughh" I groaned and slammed my door. I did not want to be here today so I showered and brushed my teeth then changed into some clean clothes and decided to head out.

I had no idea where I was going, I just put my earphones in and started walking. Before I knew it, it had been 2 hours. I headed back to the compound and got back around 12:30pm. I made my way to the kitchen to make myself a sandwich and get a bottle of water. I took my lunch up to my room completely forgetting that Y/N was still there.

After around 10 minutes I heard banging on my wall. "It must be Y/N" I thought to myself. I got up and stormed into her room without knocking. "Would you stop making such a racket" I complained. "Would you at least knock" She replied. "I'll knock if you stop being so annoying" I said still very angry. "But it's fun annoying you and I'm bored" She complained. "Read a book or something" I suggested. "Books are for nerds" She said with a look of disgust. "No books are for smart people" I corrected her. "Exactly, nerds" She repeated. "Whatever, just stop banging" I said and left the room leaving the door open just to annoy her (I hate when my parents do this).

Natasha barged in my room complaining about the banging. It was fun annoying her, she gets annoyed so easily. I said I was bored and she suggested I read a book, who even reads books anymore, we have the internet now. She left my door open when she left my room which is infuriating, I rolled my eyes and went over to shut the door. "I should definitely get a lock for that" I made a mental note to myself.

I stopped banging and stared at the ceiling for 30 minutes thinking about how annoying Natasha is. I decided I should probably get up and do something productive as it was now 3pm so I decided I would go get the lock for my door now. I headed to the store and got the most secure lock I could find and some other things too. Then I headed back to the compound to install it.

"What the hell are you doing now?" I heard a voice come from the doorway as I was drilling. I stopped drilling "What did u say?" I asked. "I said what the hell are you doing now?" She repeated herself. "I'm stealing from NASA" I sarcastically replied. "What the fuck does it look like I'm doing?" I added. "Well I don't know, that's why I asked" She said. "Well then ur dumb, I'm very obviously installing a lock on my door so u can't get ur dirty little fingers all over my stuff" I said. "Child" she muttered under her breathe as she walked back into her room. I just rolled my eyes and went back to drilling.

Tony's POV
"Hey have you guys seen Y/N or Nat at all today?" I asked as I walked into the main room. There were a chorus of No's and then Cap piped up "Yes, I saw Nat this morning, said she was going on a walk because Y/N had moved in or something" he said with a confused face. "Oh yeah, something about Y/N wanting a bigger room so now they're sharing a floor, I saw Y/N go to the store to get a lock for her door" Wanda said. "So they've both been up there all day when there's a massive compound that they could be opposite sides of but they decided to stay up there.....together???" Everyone gave me a confused look. "Guys, they DECIDED to stay up there together, they could be doing anything else but they stayed up there together" I said like it was obvious. "Oh you're saying that they WANT to be with eachother" Bucky said in a confused manner. "Boom Buckaroo" I snapped my finger and pointed at him. "But why would they want to be together if they hate eachother?" Steve asked. "Wow you're all so oblivious" I said as I palmed my face and walked out the room.

Steve's POV
"What did he mean?" I asked the others. "I don't know" Bucky replied. "I do" Wanda mentioned. "Well??" I asked. "He meant that they want to be together because they secretly like eachother" She explained. "But Nat's not gay?" I said confused. "Well we don't actually know for sure though" Sam piped up. "Well no I guess we don't" I replied. "What are we going to do about it?" Sam asked. "I don't really think it's any of our business is it?" I asked. "Well I can talk to Nat and Wanda can talk to Y/N and see what their thoughts are?" Clint suggested. "That's a great idea, except I already know how Y/N feels" Wanda replied. "Well, how does she feel?" Sam asked. "She has a crush on Nat but I wasn't supposed to tell you so we have to be discreet" Wanda replied. Everyone agreed that we would be discreet and Clint would talk to Nat and get her feelings about Y/N and then we would come up with a plan to get them to confess their feelings for eachother.

A/N: Hey guys!! I wanted to thank you all for 800 reads it's truly amazing. I didn't think I would get this far so thank you all!!! I hope you liked this chapter.


1,112 words

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