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A/n- Hi guys this is just a notice before we start the chapter.... Honestly this is just for Zhara... STOP BULLYING HARRY!!!! STOP BEING A MEANIE WEENIE LIKE- I GET YOU MIGHT BE MAD THAT SNAPEY WAPEY BABY IS AN ASSHOLE BUT DONT TAKE IT OUT ON BARROLD, OK? Also, you liked Seamus so- there.... Ok ily tho mwah (sorry if that was too harsh I still love you bbygal)

Y/n is a fucking genius

Y/n Diggory added Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Lee Jordan, Ginny Weasley and Zhara Redekop to "Y/n is a fucking genius"

Y/n Diggory: hey guys

Granger Danger: what

Y/n Diggory: I am so smart
Y/n Diggory: literally tho

Granger Danger: you're smart?
Granger Danger: how?

Y/n Diggory: well, miss Granger,
I got out of my detentions bc Umbitch
has no evidence of me being the
person who runs that acc and I just commented and yeah...
Y/n Diggory: but that's not why I
made this gc

Food Boi Wazlib: why did u
make the gc?

Y/n Diggory: cause I wanna mess
with Harry

Thing 1: ooh how?

Y/n Diggory: by all of us changing
our usernames to be like his bc
it's shit
Y/n Diggory: like- we all make ours shit
like 'Chosen2', 'Chosen3' and so on
and just comment on his latest post

Thing 2: can I be 'Chosen69'?

Y/n Diggory: yea sure lmao


Liked by, Chosen3 and others

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Liked by, Chosen3 and others

Chosen1 so apparently Snily is a thing and I hate it wtf #jily4life #snapeisabully #myparentsaredead


Chosen2 dude put a jump scare warning next time ⚠️
↳reply to Chosen2
Chosen1 wtf who are you
↳reply to Chosen1
Chosen2 wdym?

Chosen3 great post Harry😊 but that's awful
↳reply to Chosen3
Chosen3 I was supposed to be 'Chosen3' you dingbat
↳reply to Chosen3
Chosen3 idgaf

Chosen69 that photo is repulsive🤢
↳reply to Chosen69
Chosen1 WHO ARE YOU?!?

Chosen420 just bc you had to see it, doesn't mean we need to too
↳reply to Chosen420
Chosen1 am I being hacked

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