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Ur Mom😘

Annoying Ass Bitch👅✨💅:
so today's the Hogsmeade trip...

Y/n Diggory: yup sure is...

Annoying Ass Bitch👅✨💅:
So where's everyone planning on going??

Thing 2: Zonko's

Lee Jordan: and then after we'll get

Thing 2: yes.

Granger Danger: I'm not sure
where just yet

Food Boi Wazlib: you're taking me
to Honeydukes.

Granger Danger:...fine

Side Hoe: I'm hanging out with Luna
bc SOMEONE is ditching me

Ginerva: same

Side Hoe: you should join us

Ginerva: ok :)

Annoying Ass Bitch👅✨💅:
What abt you Y/n???

Y/n Diggory: what abt me?

Annoying Ass Bitch👅✨💅:
Where are you and your friend
Blaise going first??

Y/n Diggory: date**
Y/n Diggory: and I'm not telling

Barrold Pottery: time to pull an
Message not sent

Annoying Ass Bitch👅✨💅:
I'm just trying to look out for you

Y/n Diggory: ok, in the nicest
way possible, fuck off and leave
me tf alone
Y/n Diggory:❤️
Y/n Diggory: and what abt you?
Y/n Diggory: where are you
taking your "fRiEnD" Cho?

Annoying Ass Bitch👅✨💅:
shh shh shh she's in this chat

Y/n Diggory: 🙄
Y/n Diggory: ok bye I'm
leaving now

1 hour later

Harry, Hermione and Ron's gc

Harry: I need help

Hermione: oh Godric what now

Ron: yea where are you anyways?

Harry: at three broomsticks...

Hermione: why exactly?

Harry:... I- just come here ok

Ron: why? You come find us

Harry: no it'll look weird if I
just leave now
Harry: pls

Hermione: Ugh fine


Hermione and Ron entered Three Broomsticks and began to scan the place for any signs of their raven-haired best friend.

Once they spotted him at a booth in the corner they went to join him.

An expression of relief broke out across Harry's face upon their arrival.

"Why are you here?" Hermione demands before he could even begin to speak.

"I er- uhmmm" he obviously wasn't expecting that question, "I wanted a Butterbeer?"

Hermione scowled at him.

"Then where is it?"

"Where's what?"

"Your Butterbeer"

"Oh Uhm- I was waiting for you guys?" Harry offered.

Hermione furrowed her eyebrows and looked around.

"You creep!"

Harry looked at her terrified, "keep you voice down!" Her whisper-shouted.

"What?" Ron asked, confused.

Hermione jerked her thumb towards a table, at which, Blaise Zabini and Y/n Diggory were seated.

"Oooohhh" he finally realized, "didn't think you were a stalker mate"

"I'm not!"

"So you just happen to be alone at the same place where your crush is on a date with another guy?" Hermione questioned.

Harry stayed silent.

"Harry, that's creepy"

"No it's not-" Harry tried to argue, but settled with averting his eyes to the table while frowning.

Hermione just shook her head and continued to look around.

At another table, Cedric Diggory and Cho Chang were seated. Cedric seemed to be there for the same reason as Harry, though he wasn't trying very hard to hide it. He sat there, openly glaring at Blaise. But always made sure to look to Cho when she began speaking again.

"So, do you watch her sleep too?" Ron asked.

"What?! No. What the fuck? I'm not a stalker!"

"Seems like you are to me." Ron shrugged.

"I'm not. I just came here to- to see if she was having a good time"

"Well is she?"

"I don't know, I've been talking to you guys for the last five minutes"

All three, simultaneously, turned to look at Blaise and Y/n.

They seemed to be enjoying each other's company quite a bit, judging by his hand, placed on hers and the smiles on both their faces.

From beside Hermione and Ron, Harry began quietly singing.

"Wish I were heatherrrrr"

Just then Y/n laughed at something Blaise had said and Harry's frown deepened.

"Harry, do you wanna leave?" Hermione asked softly. A big contrast in her tone from before.

Harry looked up and quietly said, "yea"

The three of them exited Three Broomsticks inconspicuously and Harry spared one last look back at Y/n and Blaise.

He just caught the look of fury, and realization on Y/n's face, she had just noticed Cedric.

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