70 - The end

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'THAT ANNOYING, EGOISTIC PERSON!' I was basically stomping towards my office.

First he doesn't talk to me this whole month!

And then what does he do!?

He spends more time with Jennette or mysteriously disappears!

I know their just working and I know that between then is strictly only work.

But still I wanted Lucas to spend some time with me.

Then now!?

Now he decided to ruin my papers!

What the heck!

What's wrong with this person's idiotic mind!

"Lucas! How dare you shred those documents!" I yelled slamming open the door to mine and Jennettes office.

The light was off.


Shouldn't Jennette be in here...

Why isn't the light on...?

I tapped the switch to on the lights.

"Suprise!" I saw Lucas and amaranth holding a cake while Jennette, Kiran and Felix stood at my left and lily, miss aurora and sir ace stood at the right side.

"Happy birthday!" Lucas and amaranth said.

I just stood there.

I would be touched.

I really would've been.

If I wasn't pissed at Lucas still.

I faked a smile because Amaranth was there.

"Awe! Thank you guys!" I said.

"Sissy make a wish and blow the candle!" Amaranth said.

'Make a wish...?'

'i wish... That everyone will stay happy...' I thought blowing the candles.

I knew it wasn't possible for everyone to stay healthy.

We would all die eventually.

But at least let us die happy....

I heard a round of applause.

Lucas and Amaranth put the cake on the coffee table.

It was a chocolate cake with the numbers 23 on it.

I'm not going to bother counting the candles but I bet there are 23 too.

It was a sponge cake and it had little swirls of whipped cream on top.

In the center next to the numbers was a chocolate bar sticking out.

"Try it! I made it myself!" Miss aurora said.

Of course she did.

Only she, Amaranth and lily can bake.

Lucas is still hopeless!

Sir ace....

I honestly don't know....

I've never seen him cook or bake before so I assume he doesn't know.

I cut a slice and placed it in my mouth.

'Its so sweet...' I thought.

"Thank you miss aurora it's very nice." I said.

"Mara helped wih the decorations." Miss aurora said.

"Wow! Good job Mara!" I said petting her head.

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now