54 - Dad!?

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  "Do you think you can walk?" Lucas asked me offering me a hand.

"Yeah..." I felt awkward that he basically caught me red handed!

"Your so cruel Athanasia.." he said as he pulled me up.

But he didn't just pull me up.

He pulled me up and towards him and when I slammed into his chest his hands wrapped around me in a hug.

"I feel so betrayed..." He said.

It felt like a half joke and half real...

I didn't hug him back since I was confused on what was going on.

"To think that I love you but you do this... Somehow feels like rejection..." He said.

"What can I do to show how sorry I am?" I asked him wrapping my hands around his torso.

I felt like saying sorry wasn't going to cut it.

"Honestly I don't know... Maybe just give me time...?" He replied.

I didn't need to look at him to know he was refusing to make eye contact with me.

To me.

That felt like he was pushing me away.

"Do you mean time as in drop the topic? Or time as in for us to take a break?" I asked.

He let go slightly so that he could make eye contact with me.

"I can't imagine not texting you before I sleep... I cannot imagine not talking to you... I cannot imagine not seeing you everyday..." He said.

"So I'm just saying to give me time to forgive you. Doesn't mean I wanna take a break from you." He continued.

 We just looked at each other in comfortable silence.

"So... Wanna go back to dad's office?" He asked me.


"Drop that tone. I'm not going to snitch on you, I just thought you'd like to know more about my family." Lucas said.

'More on Lucas...?'

Truth was I knew few things about Lucas.

I knew his favourite fruit.

His personality.

And that was it.

Though the personality part is a big part of him.

"Okay." I nodded as he released me from the hug.

"Dad's probably going to bring them back to his office since the meeting room is more like a waiting room." Lucas said as we both walked.

As we both walked side by side our hands would occasionally brush against each other.

"May I hold your hand?" I asked him.



I wanted to make him feel better!

But it's not like there was an instruction manual on that!

But I couldn't even make eye contact with him while saying that!

And funny enough after I said that I blushed.

"Pfft! Sure." Lucas replied as he laughed at my horrible attempt.

'Ugh...' I grabbed his hand and looked at the floor.

He shifted the position of our hands so that it was intertwined.

"That's how you hold hands Athanasia." He said as if he was teaching a lesson.

"Of course you would know since you've been in so many romace shows." I said trying to stop myself from blushing.

"You've been in some yourself. So you can't blame me." Lucas said.

"Yup! Had one with ijekiel. It was so good! We should watch it." I spoke as I leaned on Lucas a little bit.

"How did you even manage to have one with ijekiel with Jennette around?" Lucas asked me.

"Because I was the one he was using to cheat on Jennette..." I said.

"I can't imagine Jennette was very happy still." Lucas spoke the truth.

"Nope. She wasn't. But the story ends with them two in a happily ever after so it was fine."

"By the way. How did she react to you staying over? I haven't seen the tantrum I was expecting." Lucas asked.

"I have no idea. I know she's mad at me because she won't talk to me, but that's all." I said.

"It's you!" A red headed lady with blue eyes pointed at me.

 She was wearing a pink cardigen over her pink top and bell pants.

Her red hair was in a high poney that was tied with a pastel blue scrunchy and also had a pastel blue pin on her left.

  Her cardigen had pockets which you could see a pen sticking out.

  And tucked into her ear was another pencil.

"You two know each other?" Sir ace who was right beside the lady asked.

"Yup! She helped me when I accidentally lost ruby..." She said.

"You have a child?" Lucas asked and she nodded.

"She's around your brother's age." She said.

They all seemed very close.

"Congratulations." Lucas said.

"What doe she looks like?" Sir ace asked.

"Here." Miss River took out her phone and scrolled for awhile before showing us.

It was Ruby with her bright red hair and brown eyes smiling with orange-yellow lights in the back.

She was holding a helium balloon and had a lollipop in the other hand.

"She's cute." Sir ace said.

"Duh! She got her charms from me! Why wouldn't she be cute. After all she is my child."

"Lucas, I didn't know Miss river was your twin." I commented.

"She's only like this about her child. Any thing else and she's normally quite humble.

"I still need to pay you back for that day. Tell me what do you want." Miss River asked taking out a note pad from her pocket and the pencil from her hair.

"You still do that?" Sir ace and Lucas asked at the same time which got a duh expression from Miss river.

I assume she walks around with a notepad in hand.

"It's called being prepared." Miss River snapped.

"I don't need anything." I said.

"Damn it! That means I'll forever be owing you something...." She clicked her pen wreaking her brain for anything that I could possibly want.

"How's your husband doing?" Sir ace asked.

'Her husband... Isn't ruby's dad in jail...?'

I felt the air around Lucas drop slightly.

I held his hand slightly tighter to get his attention.

He looked disturbed

"What's wrong?" I asked Lucas who sighed and looked at miss River then sighed again!

"I regret wanting you to know my family more..." He grumbled.

"Miss rivers husband... The father of ruby. Is my dad."

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