𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 2

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☀︎︎Pilot: Part 2☀︎︎

☀︎︎Pilot: Part 2☀︎︎

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The next morning, Sage was woken up by the bright sun shining in on her room.

"Jesus." The girl said once she saw the damage Agatha did through her window.

Sage wasted no time getting a shower, dressed, and ready for the day. After, she immediately headed downstairs with her sister Sarah not far behind.

"Girls come eat breakfast." Rose told them.

The girls only ignored her walking outside and grabbing their tennis rackets. After every hurricane all the mice's burrows get filled with water, making all the seagulls jobs of catching them that much easier.

"No! No! No! No!" Sarah shouted while swinging at the seagulls.

"Stop it! Go away!" Sage yelled trying to help the mice.

"Sage! Sarah!"

"We're busy!" The girls shouted in unison.

"What're you doing?"

"These birds are having a field day! Hey! No!" Sarah responded.

"The birds have to eat too."

"It's mouse genocide out here!" Sage told their father.

"It's the cycle of life, sweetheart. Now come on I have an actual human you might could help."

The girls then turned to see a woman standing by their father. He introduced the girls to her, the girls found out her name was Lana Grubbs.

"This is Scooter's wife. Now you two were storm prepping with him right?"

"Yea he helped me latch the cabin on the druthers." Sarah responded

"Helped me get all the furniture off the deck and into the cabin, after I got back from the cut." Sage added.

After telling their father and Lana that they hadn't seen scooter leave out, and telling Lana multiple times they didn't see or hear him getting any calls or say where he was going, Ward and Lana left the girls alone.


Meanwhile, the pogues had found a motel key from a sunken boat, and were currently docking to check out the room.

"Just be so careful, John B." JJ teased John B as the two walked to the room.

"Ah. God, stop." John B said slightly annoyed.

"Dude what the heck was that about?"

"I don't know,maybe she wants us to be careful."

"Ever since she heard you've been threatened with exile, she's just been all like: "Just be so careful John B, just give me that John D already." when are you gonna swoop on that, man?" JJ said, mocking Kie.

After a little while of checking out the room, the boys heard taps on the window. Which just so happened to be coming from Pope and Kie, who were trying to warn them of cops who were headed up to the room they were in right then.

The two pogues somehow managed to hide on the outside windowsill, but not before JJ grabbed a stack of cash and the gun that was in the safe.

Not long after they headed back to the Chateau and while trying to figure this whole thing out, decided to have a kegger at the boneyard.

JJ truly loved keggers but agreed 100% because of the chance that Sage Cameron might show up. The girl definitely hadn't left his mind since the day before.


Sage sat with Sarah on the couch in their living room, waiting for Topper and Chase to arrive to go to the kegger.

"Where are you two going?" Rafe asked his sisters when he saw them sitting on the couch waiting.

"Going to the kegger at the boneyard with Chase and Topper." Sage responded while Sarah just ignored him.


After a little while the boys got to the Cameron residence and headed over to the boneyard. Not long after arriving, the girls and their boyfriends were approached by none other than JJ Maybank.

"Sarah! Can I interest you or Sage in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?"

"No, thanks."

"What is it not fancy enough for you?"

"No, it's just-"

"Hey, you know what? I'll take it." Topper chimed in.

"That's nice Topper. But I didn't ask you."

After arguing with Topper, JJ tried to hand the drink to Sage. But the girl didn't even get a chance to move before Chase knocked the drink out of his hands and all over his face. JJ pushed Chase who pushed right back.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" John B said breaking the boys up.

"Dirty Pogues!" Topper exclaimed, causing John B to turn around and go for him.

"Babe! Stop!" Sarah yelled as she watched her boyfriend punch and kick John B.

"No! Hey! Chase you don't need to help him! Kelce! A little help here!" Sage yelled as she blocked her boyfriend and tried to gain the attention of one of his best friends, who was only egging on the fight in front of them.

The sound of two gunshots sent Sage, Chase, Topper, Sarah, and Kelce running. But not before Sage shouted "Are you fucking crazy?"


Hi!! I know theres not much JJ and Sage yet, but in the coming chapters there will be!!

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