𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 1

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☀︎︎Pilot: Part 1☀︎︎


It was a hot summer day, so the Cameron twins were doing their usual. Chilling at the country club, by the pool.

The girls had went with the plan of meeting up with their boyfriends, but the boys called last minute with other plans so the girls decided to go by themselves. Sarah's boyfriend being Topper Thornton, a local rich kid, whose mom is a doctor, and close friend of their older brother. And Sage's being the one and only, Chase Walsh.

Chase, who happened to be a friend of their brother and Topper, wasn't originally from the Outer Banks. He moved there around 4 years ago, and his been dating the younger Cameron twin for the past 2. But over the past few months, Sage started to notice a change in their relationship. She brushed it off every time she noticed it though in fear of losing their relationship.

"Lookin' a little dark today, don't ya think?" Sarah asked breaking the silence.

"The sky? Yea, I saw on the TV inside that there's a hurricane blowing in." Sage responded.

"Wow. What's the name?" Living in the Outer Banks, the girls had seen their fair share of hurricanes. But when they were around 6 and found out that each one had a different name, they became obsessed with trying to find one with their names.

"Agatha, I think is what it said."

"Oh." Sarah said sounding only slightly disappointed considering they hadn't found one with either of their names yet.

"Yep. Ready to head back? I'm sure dad's sent Rafe to do a million things before the storm, that he's yet to do."

"I guess we probably should head back then huh?" Sarah grinned at the thought of her brother's usual antics. Sage only chuckled in response.

When the girls arrived back to the Cameron residence they were immediately overwhelmed at the site. Around the back, they could hear their father's voice telling their workers where to put things and what to do to prepare for the coming storm.

"Hi, girls." Their father greeted with a smile.

"Hey" "Hi" The girls greeted back.

After only a few seconds their step-mother, Rose Cameron, stepped out the back door with a message for Sarah.

"Sarah! Topper's here for you."

"Ok! I'm coming!" Sarah said while running inside to go see her boyfriend, leaving Sage and their father alone. Just as Sage was about to head inside herself, her father called her name.

"Oh, Sage! Do you mind running this over to the cut for one of the teenage employees? It's his check, I wanted to go ahead and give it to him before the storm."

"Sure. Who is it?"

"John B." Ward replied while giving the envelope of money to the girl.


Pulling up beside the Routledge house, Sage stepped out of her car with the envelope in hand.

Considering there was no door to close off the porch from the outside, she walked onto the porch and knocked on the door into the house.

"Hello? John B? It's Sage Cameron, Ward's daughter. My dad wanted me to bring your check before the storm."

The girl was met with nothing but silence. Just as she was about to walk away someone had stumbled up to the door.

"Um...you are definitely not John B? I'm not at the wrong place right?"

"Right place, Wrong person. I'm JJ, and you are very hot."

"Uh, thanks. So is John B here or not?"

"Nope he's not."

Sage sighed at the very unhelpful boy. She just wanted to drop the guy's money off and go home, but it seemed the one she was looking for was no where in sight.

"Ok then. Can you just give this to him? I really don't feel like waiting until he gets back."

"Sure, from Ward Cameron right?" JJ asked making sure he remembered the name to tell John B.


"Alright, I'll give it to him."

"Thank you." The Cameron girl said before walking off the porch and back to her car, to head home.

"Money from Ward, give to JB, ask about Ward's hot daughter." The Maybank boy muttered to himself, trying to remember all the important things he needed to talk to John B about.

Moments later John B's van, The Twinkie, pulled up and out hopped John B and Pope looking for their surfboards.

"JB! Just the man I was looking for! You want to hook me up with your boss's daughter?" JJ asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"What are you talking about bro?" John B asked.

"Sage Cameron came by earlier, super hot by the way, dropped off some money from Ward. Apparently kooks do have a soul, he wanted to give you your check before the storm."

At the mention of money, John B left Pope's side and went to get the money from JJ.

"Holy Shit! Looks like I got a little bonus." John B said while smiling, he couldn't wait to spend this money on food and beer.

"Come on John B, I found them!" Pope yelled from the side of the house.

"Gotta go. Don't mess up my house, Maybank!"

"When have I ever?"


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