The yagi reaction/ vigilante debut

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No ones POV
We start this story with yagi household 3 days after Izuku left we see them eating breakfast.

Toshinori: hey inko good morning

Inko: good morning dear

Izumi: ( munch munch eating her breakfast) good morning dad.

Toshinori: hey how has my little princess doing.

Izumi: good

Toshinori: so how is your training with one for all

Izumi: it still pretty bad I mean I still break my arms when I punch

Inko: don't remind me that was awful the first few times even recovery girl was groosed out by it the first time.

Knock knock

Toshinori: huh who could that be

Grand Torino : good morning

Toshinori: master w-w-what are you doing here.

Grand Torino: don't worry Toshinori I'm not here to discipline you I'm here to to see my grandchildren and spoil them.

Toshinori: right uh right this way

Izumi: hey grand Torino how have you been.

Grand Torino : I've been doing as well as usually waiting to kick the bucket of old age.

Toshinori: master don't say that and your not that old

Grand Torino : oh but I am Toshinori anyway enough about that I'm to give present for missing the last  5 birthdays of you guys.

Toshinori: aww you shouldn't have

Grand Torino: (smacks him with his cane)  they are for my grandkids. Now here you go Izumi.

Izumi : yay (starts unwrap her gifts).

Grand Torino: hey where is Izuku I have to give him present to.

Inko: Izuku ?

Toshinori: ah he must be upstairs still in his room still resting.

Inko: thinking( Izuku Izuku we're have I heard that name before and why does this izuku live here maybe one of toshi friends). Until she turns around to see the old family photo with a crack on Izuku side of the picture.

Inko: eyes widen( Izuku my baby boy I haven't seen him since he was 5 year old no that can't be right I mean right I need to figure this out ah the family photo album).

Toshinori : so should I go and wake him up

Grand Torino : no I'll do it and scare him too ( evil laugh)

Grand Torino wakes up stairs and knocks on his door.

Grand Torino: Izuku guess who you favorite grandpa came to visit.

Grand Torino :  knocks again Izuku? Wakey wakey time to get up.

Grand Torino : (annoyed)Izuku open this  door or I will open it forcefully !

Toshinori : master I heard yelling what happened

Grand Torino: Izuku won't open the door.

Toshinori: young Izuku open this door (jingles the door and it's locked). That's it Izuku if you are near the door back away because it his coming off it's hinges and be ready to be punished.

Toshinori: (transforms his left arm) 2 percent Detroit smash.

The door flies off it's hinges

Toshinori : now Izuku be ready for your punishment later but say hello to your grandpa he has brought you gifts.

Izuku yagi the descendent of Sasuke Uchiha Where stories live. Discover now