Why ?

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No one POV
We see inko Izumi and Izuku on the car ride home Izuku is staying quiet through the whole car ride home while Izumi and inko talk.

Inko : okay sweetie so when we get home let surprise your dad with you quirk like start levitating things you only be able to lift small objects but that okay

Izumi: yes I was see daddy's face it will be so priceless

Inko : it sure will be let's get home quickly

No ones POV
After the quirk doctor izuku was not consoled at all inko instead of paying attention to her son and comforting him she celebrated that Izumi had a quirk and a strong quirk at .

Izuku:thinking(why did mom not come to me why did she no no she will comfort me and tell me everything is alright and that even if I am quirkless I can still be hero right yeah she must be happy about Izumi getting a quirk I'm sure later on at home she will talk to me with dad and make okay).

They arrive home inko parking the car the kids get out of the car and both get greeted by a happy toshinori

Toshinori : welcome home kids how was your day at the quirk doctor

Izumi: great

Izuku : yeah

Toshinori : alright I have to talk to your mother about your quirks so but gets interrupted by a pillow floating toshinori can't believe it ( wait who quirk is this reminds me inko is inko doing this no ) toshinori turns around and sees his daughter lifting up the pillow. Izumi you have a telekinesias quirk don't you

Izumi : yup bingo it awesome right dad

Toshinori: yes it is indeed awesome but I still have to confirme with your mother okay you two go and enjoy your cake.

Both : okay

Inko : hey toshi

Toshinori : hey inko dear would you mind telling me what happened at the quirk doctor today.

Inko:  Izumi has a strong telekinesis quirk like me.

Toshinori: and what about Izuku

Inko : oh right right I almost completely forgot about Izuku the doctor said that he quirkless I don't know why though since we both have strong quirks.

Toshinori : eyes widen because if Izuku is quirkless then it is his fault.

No ones POV
Okay toshinori never told inko he was quirkless she only knows about one for all toshinori told her the transformation from skinny might to all might is his quirk     So inko thinks that toshinori always had a quirk.

Inko: well gets ready for the party for these two okay toshi

Toshinori: yes dear

No ones POV
They had a lot of fun but the thing is nobody realized that Izuku wasn't there because after learning the fact that he is quirkless he went upstairs to his room and watched all might video of him saving people silently crying to himself trying to not give up hope.

One day later

Inko : kids time to go to school

Izumi : yay I get to play with shoto and shota and kat also katsu.

Izuku : when he got down he hadn't slept a lot because he was crying for someone anyone to tell him he can be a hero even if they were empty words

Inko : here you go Izumi fresh lunch sweetie and for Izuku um sorry Izuku it seems like I forgot to make you lunch but you'll eat at school right

Izuku : yeah  thinking( even though they won't have katsudon it doesn't matter ) 

Izuku yagi the descendent of Sasuke Uchiha Where stories live. Discover now