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When things go wrong at the adoption centre. 

Mom could you please check my bag if all the documents are there....

"Y/n please you have to chill...you have checked everything 20 times please go..." Jungkook responded with a smile as he fed Hyun some cereal. 

"Jungkook you know how important this is right...Mr. Joon is going to be there defiantly and he is going to do anything to stop me..."

"Yes y/n but everyone knows how well you take care of Hyun...don't think negative thoughts...just calm down ok" 

Y/n paced up and down taking in deep breaths as Her dad pinched Hyun's nose softly as a smile spread across his lips. He giggled as he got down from the chair and held y/n's hand. Both of them walked out of the door as all of them prayed that everything would go well today. 


"Mommy-are you- scared..." 

"Just a little baby...But I have you right..." 

He smiled at me as I pulled up in front of the orphanage. 

I scoffed as I saw the black Mercedez parked right in front of the gate...Mr. Joon...

I walked in with Hyun as Melanie sadly smiled at me and we went in. 

A person from child support was present there...the organization couldn't afford to send more people as there was a huge case going on...so they had sent one of the senior workers for this matter. 

I bowed down at the elderly man sitting in the office as he sternly bowed back and looked at me and Hyun. 

"You must be Mrs Jeon and Hyun...Nice to meet you both. I am Mr Aldre Fernandez "

"Good morning Mr Aldrez...It's a pleasure meeting you." I replied as I sat down on one of the chairs in front of him. "

Mr Joon was seated in the chair beside me and an unknown woman stood beside him. He smirked at me and somehow his attitude scared the shit out of me. 

Mr Aldrez rearranged himself as he started bringing all the forms out. I took all the necessary things needed for the process as Mr Joon's smirk was completely focused on me. 

"Its good that you have everything ready Miss Jeon, we can finish the process faster this way." He said as I nodded in his direction with no emotions on my face. 

"Now I already know that Mr Joon has some objection against you adopting Hyun...so Mr Joon lets hear it..." Mr Alrez said as he leaned back into the chair. 

Suddenly the smirk on Mr Joon's face turned into a concerning and innocent face which I could immediately recognize were fake. 

"Sir you see...I am Hyun's biological father and Miss Jeon here hasn't been allowing me to take him back home. I'm sure you've heard about my wife and how she cruelly dropped my dear Hyun off here. I wanted to be the father figure in his life the moment I came to know about him...But Miss Jeon here doesn't agree." 

"And why is that Miss Jeon..." Mr Aldrez asked me. 

"You see sir...Mr. Joon is a person who regularly consumes alcohol and becomes extremely violent when he does, this kind of behaviour is not suitable for any child." 

Mr Joon smirked at my question as if he was expecting it. 

"But Miss Jeon...we have his health reports here and he is in perfect condition, his reports don't show alcohol consumption at all" 

Arranged Marriage - Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now