Chapter 15:

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Not long after that everyone was in bed sleeping except Alex. He was still trying to process the events of the last hour.
*Alex's POV*
I couldn't believe what had just happened! At least no one found out my secrets. I'm so grateful for Tom. I can't believe he would let me involve him in my lie to protect my secrets. I'm glad Tom stepped up to help me because I don't think I could have pulled it off on my own especially when we were bombarded with questions about our relationship. Does this mean we are going to have to 'fake date'? I mean we can't just say we have been dating for a year and then just act how we usually do around each other.
I need to talk to Tom!
*Back to the story*
The alarm had just gone off but Alex was already awake and dressed. He needed to talk to Tom before breakfast. He walked over to Tom bunk where he was just getting up. "Can we talk?" He asked the dark hair boy who replied with a simple nod. "Meet me outside in five minutes."
Alex returned to his bunk and saw someone sat on his mattress. It was the girl who had admitted she liked him last night. He sat down beside her.
"Hey. Are you okay?" Alex asked the girl softly. She looked up at him and nodded her head "it was just a small crush anyway. So you and Tom?" She questioned.
Alex laughed a bit before replying. "Yep, I guess so." "Honestly I'm not surprised." The girl muttered. "Really?" Alex questioned. "Why is that?"
"I don't really know, I guess you guys have just always been really close and every time you were off school for your illnesses he constantly seemed worried. For example, on your first day back at Brookland after essentially missing a whole term when you first walked through the gates he punched your arm them pulled you in for a hug. It shows how worried he was and how much he cares for you!"
Alex looked at the girl speechless before mumbling, "I'm going to talk to Tom" and exiting the barracks.

Alex waited leaning against a tree for a minute before Tom approached him. "I can't actually believe that worked!" He exclaimed. "I know! But we do have one small problem." Alex said lowering his voice so they wouldn't be overheard. "Now people think we have been dating for almost a year we can't just pretend nothing happened if we want people to believe this lie we will have to pretend to be together. Of course you don't have to if you don't want to be can just find a way to explain why we aren't together or- " Tom cleared his throat cutting Alex off before he would ramble on any longer.
He chuckled to himself before saying "I don't mind fake dating you. You're my best friend I'll do anything to help you keep your secrets."
Alex smiled at his best friend before they turned and started walking back to the barracks. They stopped outside the door and walked in together laughing doing their best to act like a real couple.
The group left the barracks and made their way towards the breakfast hall. Tom grabbed Alex's hand as they entered the hall. The pair took their food and walked over to their table.
A tall boy walked over and sat opposite them. Alex took Tom's hand and squeezed it tighter. He could tell something bad was going to happen. The boy looked the pair and whispered "you can stop the act now. I'm not stupid I know that your not actually together. It's obvious that you just said that to stop people discovering your real secrets Rider." Alex took a deep breath before saying "you just keep telling yourself that we are together and we're very happy. If you can't accept that please leave us alone." The tall boy muttered something under his breath and left causing people around us to stare.
"We need to make it more believable Alex." Tom muttered. "I have a plan." The dark haired boy whispered something in Alex's ear.
(A/N - Thank you for reading my story so far I hope you are enjoying it)

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