Chapter 3:

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*Time Skip*
Two weeks later Alex stood facing the entrance of Breacons Beacons.
With one last look at the view, the 15 year old reluctantly entered the training facility.
The group was now stood in the Sergeant's office waiting to be told more about their 'school trip.'
Alex looked around amused at his classmates' excitement about being in a real SAS training camp. However, that soon wore off as the Sergeant entered the office along with three other soldiers.
Alex recognised them instantly and cautiously kept his head down low in case of the unlikely event that one of them recognised him. (Alex had changed a lot over the past year and now looked a lot older than he actually was.)
K-unit briefly scanned the room failing to recognise the fair haired boy as the kid who had spend 2 weeks training with them a year earlier.
Wolf being the leader of the unit was first to break the silence. "While you are here you will be learning how to defend yourself against threats and we will be testing your physical health. In this facility everyone has a unit and a code that they earn during their training. You will refer to me as Wolf and I am the leader of K-unit." Snake was next to introduce himself. "I'm Snake and I'm the medic of our unit. Before your training starts I will have to individually assess your physical health to make sure their aren't any complications." Fox and Eagle both introduced themselves to the teenagers before Wolf started to inform the students about their stay.
"During your time here you will follow the same schedule as the soldiers currently in the facility. And don't think that will be treat you any differently due to your age." He pauses for a minute before asking "does anyone have any questions?"
A few people slowly raised their hands hoping the soldier was nicer than he seemed. "You." Wolf pointed at someone at the front of the group indicating they could speak. The brown haired girl timidly asked "what is the youngest someone has been when they trained here?"
Alex felt his body tense at the question. He looked up at the unit leader who's face had become visibly paler at the question. Wolf thought about his response before stating.
"The legal age to join the SAS is 17 years old." It was obvious that Wolf tried not to answer the question so the girl nodded her head in response and waited for someone else to ask a question.
This went on for a few minutes before a tall boy asked "will we have to wear uniforms?" Happy about the change of subject Fox replied with "you will be given uniforms however they will be slightly different to ours as you are not qualified SAS soldiers.
As the soldier scanned the room Alex felt his eyes linger on him. In that moment Alex could tell that Fox knew who he was.
Noticing Fox's lack of attention the other soldiers followed his gaze to the fair haired boy. "Isn't that C-" Eagle started before being cut off by a harsh glare from Wolf. Intimidated, he stayed quiet for the remainder of the introduction.
After talking for a few more minutes and answering some questions, the class were lead out of the Sergeant's office toward the barracks were they would be staying for the next month.
On his way out Alex felt a hand tightly grip his shoulder. "We need to talk" Snake stated, before dragging Alex away from the group and leading him into K-unit's cabin.
(A/N - Thank you to everyone who has read my story so far. I will try to update a minimum of once a day if possible. Hope you enjoy the story)

The TripOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora